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 Jan 2016 alli brunell
Writing is my ecape
Endless roads engraved in my view
Because my words hate me more than you
Inflicting oppression like im not already fighting depression
Demons grabbing at my heels
Peeling away the skin
Just let me take a dive
Im tired of performing
For actors with no domain
Maybe i was once insane
Still fighting clocks like the human heart never stops
Singing a tune with bloodshot eyes
Please forgive my lie
I cant stop with the ****** rhymes
I'm just done writing home
Shes long  gone now
Small bird, singing sweet bravery
into the grey, morning cold,

Could it be that the half moon heard you?

A yellow bowl of light
rose in the East in the first few
minutes of this bright new year,
and the morning star smiled down on her.

Could it be that the rising sun heard you too?

Wooly clouds parted again when dawn arrived,
rows of icicles transforming into sparkling chandeliers
in the first orange rays of this New Year's Day.

May we thank you, small bird, for showing us the way?
A very blessed New Year to you each and all!
©Elisa Maria Argiro
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Don’t fall in love with me.
There are days when I get sad without a reason and I just stare at the ceiling with tears streaming down my face.

Don’t fall in love with me.
On those days, I don’t talk to anyone. I just bury myself in my bed and think about how I became this mess of sadness.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I will become attached to you and I will cry myself to sleep if you don’t text me good night before you go to sleep and I will convince myself that it’s because you got tired of me.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I’m too much. I will depend on you. I need attention, much more than other people. I’ll talk to you in metaphors and make you one. I’ll write poems about you and opening up my skin at 2 A.M.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I couldn’t stand you coming home to find me on the bathroom floor shaking and crying, with blood spilling from my wrists. I couldn’t stand seeing the disappointment in your eyes.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I will pour everything I’ve left of me into you, every bit of love, until I have nothing to give. Until I become completely empty.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I’m scared that my sadness is contagious.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I will replay your sweet words in my head when I hate myself so much that I want to die. Your words will be the only thing that make me stay.

Don’t fall in love with me.
You will live in fear. You won’t be able to leave me, because you’d know if you did, I wouldn’t have anything to live for.

Don’t fall in love with me.
Before I met you, there wasn’t a single person who could’ve made me stay. You’re my reason now.

Don’t fall in love with me.
Because I will fall in love with you.
By: Unknown writer
 Dec 2015 alli brunell
awakened by the purr
of the little blue cat,
seeking warmth,
on this crisp spring morning

we, the little blue cat and I
take our breakfast outside
walking across the dew damp grass
to sit at the old wooden table

he, steps high, waggling his feet
me, i step deeply into the grass
enjoying the verdant, green smell
that rises,
enjoying the brief  commune with
enjoying the return to childhood

we sit, companionably, eating
he leftover roast chicken,
me, purlioned cocoa puffs,
my son's saturday treat,
that he will surely never miss

as we sit, the sounds of the world waking
drift past us.
windows opening, the snort and cough
of an early rising smoker, cars starting
the birds chat and chirk, and the plop
of the fish as the break the surface of the pond.
the garbage trucks stop and start trek up the street.

and now in the house, the radio, and kettle begin
a shower turned on, a bass voice sings, not well
but with joy.

now the day has truly begun...
one last mouthful of half remembered childhood
and then back to the daily grind
as the sun makes it's way past the low lying clouds

the blucat, chooses to stay, out watching the birds.
When the rain falls, some people might become depressed. Some might want to sleep and wake when it has passed. That is fine for some, but not for me. For on a rainy day, I see what others do not see. On a rainy day, I watch the earth become clean. I see the debris of life washed away. I see leaves falling off of trees to make way for new spring buds. I see cooling of the earth from a hot summers day. I see puddles where children splash and play. I see rebirth and hope being watered by the tears of the sky. So the next time you are feeling Blue and your skies are turning Grey. Just remember that its not so bad on a rainy day.
I want something other than ****
with the short shorts showing
the low-cut crop top
exploring eyes wander over
on countless evenings
my imagination having nothing

I want smokey flannel
a two-day-old pony tail
boots stained by the dirt and grass
a hole in your jeans
that wasn't there when you found them

I want hungover-fastfood-drive-throughs
with my shorts and your tank top
wrinkled from your floor
your hair still wet from the morning shower

I want leggings, a t-shirt
and a backwards ball cap
while we sing loudly out the open window
tapping the dashboard off-beat
hand raised fingers pointing at the moon
laughing at the man that sits watching us drive
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