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NLB Jun 2014
i wish i could tear out my eyes,
give them to you,
so you could see what i see,
the world i'm sometimes unwillingly sent to.

everything here is scary,
everything here is darker,
everything here is duller,
everything here is bad.

i don't like the feelings i get when i come here,
i'm so far away,
but at the same time i'm trapped,
everything is closing in on me.

  Jun 2014 NLB
nichole r
but I will miss
in the afterlife.

it was the only way
I could slice open my veins
and bleed out my words
without making a mess.
NLB Jun 2014
every time that i pick myself up,
even if it's only slightly,
someone is always there to

  Jun 2014 NLB
they won't care
until you're hanging from the rope you knotted yourself
they won't care
until you're choking on the handful pills you swallowed
they won't care
until you've put the gun in your mouth and pulled the trigger
they won't care
until you've cut so deep the blood is pouring from your wrist
they won't care
until they have to clean up the mess you left behind

nobody cares until you take your last breath
nobody cares until you are six feet under

NLB Jun 2014
it's not like i ask for much,
all i ask for is happiness,
plain and simple.

if i can't have happiness then i'll have distraction,
from all the bad stuff,
a way of coping.

and when i'm as far away from everything as i can possibly be,
distracting myself,
don't bring me back,
don't disturb me,
or i will get angry,
very angry.

and i'm afraid i won't stop smashing things until everything is destroyed,
like me.

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