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 Aug 2017 Alexis Marie
I'm beautiful
You've told me all evening
and will tell me all night
but will I still be beautiful
*in the morning?
 Aug 2016 Alexis Marie
Freedom is nonexistent
Liberty is a lie
Independence is fiction
Emancipation is a death
There's nothing to do!
 Aug 2016 Alexis Marie
 Aug 2016 Alexis Marie
a fair warning for you
if you are planning to
to fall in love with me
you fall in love with P's

if you fall in love with me
you fall in love with a pessimist
who believes that every single thing will fall apart
every bad thing is bound to happen
so please i ask
help me find the positives
in a world
where negatives are all i see

if you fall in love with me
you fall in love with a paranoid
who breaks almost every night
thinking about how wrong i could be
every choice
every decision
will be the worst one
so please i ask
to accept me
and convince me
that the world is not yet over.

if you fall in love with me
you fall in love with a p-ssy.
a coward
who's afraid to make the first move
who's ashamed to fail.
so please i ask
to wait for me
to be able to overcome my fears.

and lastly,
if you fall in love with me
you fall in love with a poet.
a writer
who's prepared to write everything
and anything
because sadly, that's all i'm good at.
so please i ask
to accept my love
in the form of words
and i will change myself.
i love you so ******* much yet i think you don't feel the same. at least, anymore.
Too tired to hold on,
Too scared to let go.

 Jan 2016 Alexis Marie
Jen Jo
Yes, you're beautiful.
Yes, you're beautiful.
Even if the whole world denies it. Yes, you're beautiful.

Everyday, I remind myself.
And the cycle continues.
We're all wonderfully and fearfully made. Remember that.
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