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Adriean New Jul 2014
You're tired.
You're lonely.
You're hurt.
You're alone.
You're broken.
You're sick.

You are depression.
How it can make you feel.
Adriean New Jul 2014
I'm up late,
thinking about you.
You run across my mind in the late
hours of the night.
I try chasing you, but
it's like you know the hiding spots inside my head.
You smile at me from behind the wise trees,
rooted on my brain.
I think I found you.
I spotted you.
You're right there. I can almost reach you, then
I tripped on the tree roots.
Looking up, you're gone.
You're playing mind games,
in the late hours of the night.
Just like you always do.
You're tricky
Adriean New Jul 2014
You had a bad morning,
so you pick up a cigarette & light it once.
You had a bad day at work,
so on your break,
you pick up two more.
You're stuck in traffic,
so you smoke three more on the way home
& don't think twice about it.
You walk in your house
& see the bills stacked up.
Stressed, you smoke a few more.
You think nothing of those things, until one day,
your child is born...
that was the last day you ever picked one up.
Stop smoking
Adriean New Jul 2014
I'm trying to show you that I love you.
I'm trying to show you I need you.
Darling, please hear me when I say,
I want you in my life.
I want to wake up next to you.
I want to make you breakfast when the sun rises.
I want to cuddle & watch movies when the
moon shines bright.
I can be your one & only,
you'll be my one & only too, darling.
Adriean New Jul 2014
We live in a world where,
people are killing others.
Where people are stealing because
they can't afford what our government
prices so high.
Where people are homeless,
because they couldn't pay rent.
We live in a world that's not equal & not free.
We live in a world of hatred & power.
Where we can't shower because the water got shut off.
A world where war is so high
& the poor isn't cared for.
A world where the rich are greedy,
& the poor will do more
for the less fortune.
This is just some of how the world we live in

really is.
I see a problem. Don't you?
Adriean New Jul 2014
I want you to take a moment
& listen to me.

When you're laying next to the one you love,
do you ever put your head up against
their chest, & listen to them breath?
If you haven't, you should.
It's one of the most peaceful things
you could ever hear.

When you're laying next to the one you love,
do you ever just listen to them speak?
I mean really listen.
If you haven't, you should.
Listen to how the words just flow from their lips.
It's one of the sweetest things you could ever hear.

Try listening to the one you love.
Take a moment & listen.
You'll hear things different if you do.
Trust me, I know.
I learned this recently.
Adriean New Jul 2014
Everybody likes to eat.
Some more than others.
Food is like happiness for our mouths
& our stomachs.
But nothing is bad with a little food.
It comforts us when nothing else done.
I was eating food & being upset
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