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 Apr 2017 Adriana Cruz
 Apr 2017 Adriana Cruz

Her story will continue

Rest in peace

others will take up your sword
and battle call

the war continues
Amy Bleuel acknowedged founder
of the "semi colon project"
which alerts people to those battling
mental illnes by the battler wearing a
semicilon  tattoo
tattoos  are also worn in remembrance
passed away recently
She is one of many small
whispering voices that have changed the world
Please remember her and her closest
to the heavens today
 Mar 2017 Adriana Cruz
 Mar 2017 Adriana Cruz
There are things she hide,
Even  from  herself.
She will not ask for help,
She has too much pride.

She will work harder,
she will do things more,
She'll not let other see,
Her problem is much bigger.

She will not say,
That she is tired,
She'll pretend normal
and join others anyway.

She want to not be dependent,
She want to make her own road,
She wants not others advice,
Just appreciation of her achievements.

She has many dreams to complete,
and many more left to see.
She wakes with the fire,
And she is ready to compete.

She has power, she has will
She has love, she has ambition
She is special, she is unique
She is the one who makes your life meaningful.
Losing friends is like
Heartfelt with cradle of love
Friendship to where we lost
Between the horizon and the clouds
From time to time
Wonder how can i see u again?
They say u are the best
Then left without memory
Did what was surprised for us
As the day comes in and out
To show losing energy
Within its population
Of harvesting new friends
But not losing friends.

                     By K-mari ©2016
I decided to write this poem cause i hear a lot of peoples who pass away but i hope u enjoy it :) plus i write this poem to touch kristy heart about her lost friend i am so sorry and i wish u the best kristy
 Apr 2016 Adriana Cruz
As much as you try to reassure

my mind keeps reeling

With thoughts, sometimes obscure

*One can not always help

feeling insecure
Sometimes we see ourselves in the worst kind of light
All you need to do is persuade your mind and see your self through a new and different lense

— The End —