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Abhigya mohan Nov 2015
Writing a poem relaxes my mind,
For that, a quiet place i have to find,
it can be about anything or anyone,
Like trees, flowers or school fun.
I tried to write about my pet  cat,
Which tries to hide under the doormat;
Or about a beautiful scene,
That is lush and green.
But sitting here in great bliss,
I simply started writing this!
There's woods outside of town aways
that I will not go near
There's tales of ghosts and monsters
And I don't like the things I hear

There's screeching noises unlike those
Any animal can make
Even in the daylight
Those woods just make me shake

I've heard tales of people who
Let their dogs out after dark
They come back, all scared and skittered
And they never ever bark

There's something in those woods I say
Strong magic is around
There's tales of children disappearing
Never to be found

Three years ago I walked on past
And I heard a noise....real close
I swore something was watching me
It may have been a ghost

On Halloween, the woods light up
With magic from within
No one dares to venture there
They'll not be seen again

Some nights when the moon is full
The noises fill the air
Of screeching, howling wild beasts
Of things covered in hair

I've only seen one bird around
The entrance to the wood
It's a single, lonely raven
And to me that isn't good

Raccoons, and skunks and squirrels
I never see them near this place
It's inhabited by demons
It's never known god's grace

The stories aren't the sort that
Make you want to see
What is in the woods that howls
I won't go in ...not me

The woods have always been there
And the stories have been too
I know the sounds scare me to death
And I'm sure, they'd scare you too

Don't venture near the woods at night
Don't go there in the day
Just leave them to their darkness
It's just best to stay away
  Oct 2015 Abhigya mohan
grumpy thumb
Internal scream yearns to echo
lacking surface to rebound
when insides are hollow
a cry is the loneliest sound.
Breaking silence's seal
anguish looms worse
when none care to listen
desperate pleas become cursed.
  Oct 2015 Abhigya mohan
Let the crushing waves
wash the abrasive sand from our eyes

Let the infinite blue
replenish our breaths for deeper dives

Let these words fall free
and fill the silence between us

Let the beats of our hearts
set the pace for our lives
  Oct 2015 Abhigya mohan
Swimming alone in my ocean...
In search of courage
drenched and drowned
in cowardice.

I have ample foothold,
for now...
Taunting the winds
that whistled treacherously
on this precipice.

Ears to the air
I hear the faint calling
of a lone zephyr
in the traveling winds
of tomorrow.

A smile emerges.
Forgetting the uncertainties,
the shame
and the unforgiving sorrow...

Bewitched and determined
to catch this breeze
that briefly promised salvation.

Brushed away the tears,
emotional inadequacies
and lifelong trepidation.

My lips parted...
Inhaling deep
what once,
for a long time felt acrid.

Eyes closed.
I greeted the whispers
that spoke of the end.

I've wished to be amongst
the choral voices
that sang
not of strangers
but friends.

The time is now.
I've conveniently forgotten
what and who I am...
Knowing only where I want to be.

I've found courage.
I took one step
into the future.
And finally...
I'm free.
Inspired by Third Eye Blind's "Jumper".
  Oct 2015 Abhigya mohan
Fucking tired
My days have been all cloud and no sun
like a ribbon from a single young woman,
who's love was fresh
who's hope was right beside her
who's pride was in her friendly appearance
torn and tattered in the winds of change
chaos rains within a shattered heart

But time has tore away all the love in her soul
broken promises have ****** out all her hope
lies, betrayals, misused trust have turned her pride to dust
the wall has grown all around her
darkness in on her
pressing down upon a weakened young woman,
driving her to hidden tears
to hidden anger fits
but she's stronger than she looks

you would never believe this of this young lady
if you saw her
if you spoke to her
a long time ago you may have saw it in her eyes
but now she's mastered the art of the mask
she's mastered the art of hiding
of building walls
of not crying no matter what

she didn't shed a tear when her auntie died
she didn't let even one fall when the nightmares came for her
just like she knew they would from loving
she didn't tear up when her world was broken in one short summer
no she's not cold she's just acting cold
she wants you to think she is
so you won't become another reminder
of how much love is an enemy
cuz its kinder to let her heart go without love
than to tease it with the possibility of love
Wrote this a while back when I was having a hard time. Still am but its calming down and I'm happier now, but I like this one because it reminds me of everything and I don't wanna forget because it's a part of me,  but like I said way happier now.
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