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abby jordan Mar 2015
as i fell in love
you started to take control of me
you were suddenly released into my veins
in my bloodstream
flowing through me
thoughts of you
were spread throughout my body
putting a smile on my face
butterflies in my stomach
shakiness in my hands
and goosebumps on my arms
you are a piece of me
a part of me
i feel as if
you make me whole
i put my happiness in you
and that's where i went wrong
the feelings are even stronger
and to an even greater extent
and now
my frail and fragile
glass heart
is in your hands
don't let it go.

not finished
abby jordan Mar 2015
the anger and sadness inside of us
build up like a brick wall
and eventually come tumbling down
each brick representing a yell of frustration
the sorrow and hurt within us
are filled within a bottle
and the bottle breaks open
as we slam it to the floor
filled with anguish
and each glass shard being one of our many tears
all of these things
and feelings
occurring suddenly and extremely rapid inside our minds
and the baggage of stress we carry
soon completely overwhelm us
to a point where
we can carry the baggage no longer
and we fall to the floor
on our knees
face in our small palms
weeping uncontrollably.

the title of this poem is a feeling that i cannot yet describe.
all i know is it is a mixture of frustration, sadness, stress, and heartbreak
all put into one
what a wretched way to feel.

abby jordan Mar 2015
if only
the love we feel in our hearts
could be revealed
by looking through a telescope
as in the way we look at the stars
if only
the memories we make
and the moments we live
could be replayed over and over
like rewinding a video cassette
or moving the record needle back a bit
if only
the things we touch
can be touched again
just as many times as our delicate fingers tap the piano keys
if only
the awe inspiring and extraordinary sights we see
can be seen once again
by flipping through the pages of a book
each image on each page
if only
the things that we hear
which are not exactly on itunes
or digitally saved
could be heard again
each individual sound and created song
sung by the birds
the next morning
if only
could be this easily relived.

abby jordan Mar 2015
i simply cannot bear the thought
that soon
sooner than i least expected
all these beautiful times
loud, teary eyed, clutching our ribs kind of laughs
smiles that are impossible to contain
bursting through our lips
sending an explosive bomb of pure happiness inside of us
happy and sad tears
rolling down our face
both kinds exquisite in my eyes
surrounded with beautiful, intricate souls
as the time passes by
without a single thought in our little mind
that this day
this time
these almost microscopic like moments and time fragments
will soon be gone
and never to return.
all of these stunningly amazing feelings
can happen once again
and many, many more times again
but we cannot
these precious moments
not in the way
it happened as a first
which deeply saddens me.

so many great memories this school year that i want to relive over and over again
  Mar 2015 abby jordan
Madisen Kuhn
Don’t forget to get away every once in awhile,
To lose yourself in a book
Or in the woods behind your home
Ride your bike into the sunset,
Sit on your front steps and count the cars passing by,
Lay on your roof and gaze up at the night sky,
Drive along backroads with the windows rolled down
Listening to nothing but the sound of rushing wind

I hope you take the time to be alone,
To sort through the cluttered shelves of your heart

I hope you take the time to be silent,
To close your eyes and just listen

I hope you take the time to be still,
To quiet your mind and experience the beauty
Of simply Being

In a world that tells us we should always be
Connected, on the go, and doing something worth sharing,
I hope you know it’s okay to
Disconnect, slow down, and keep some memories
Between you and the moment you shared it with.
  Mar 2015 abby jordan
"these will all be memories one day"
she said as we sat on the corner of
the old middle school.  
"one day we wont remember this day,
we wont remember sitting here on
this September day." her voice got
quite when she looked down at the
fallen leaves.
"scary huh, that one day we won't
be in middle school only worrying
about what test was coming up and
who liked who."
i kept quite not saying a word,
"because non of those stupid
things matter, middle school
becomes high school, then
high school becomes life and
these will be memories."
she laughed this beautiful
laugh you could listen to forever
and she stood up and said
"lets go make these memories"
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