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  Mar 2015 abby jordan
we ran down town barefoot
with nothing but the street
lights and the leaves under
our feet as we ran.

we made it to the town park
and danced under the moon
and laughed as we fell to the

we laid in the grass and looked
at the stars above us not saying
a word just admiring the
beauty of the world.

you turned your head and said
something i will never forget:
"these are the moments poems
are made from"
  Mar 2015 abby jordan
the leaves were falling
the way i was falling
for you. //
  Mar 2015 abby jordan
Madisen Kuhn
It terrifies me that we only get a limited amount of time with people. And that some people get more time than others who should have. I’m forever envious of those who’ve gotten more time with you than I have. That I may never get to be with you as long as they have. That our time is running out. And I miss you already. And I never want to say goodbye. At first it was slow, late nights in your car and afternoons in my bedroom. But now it feels like it’s happening all at once, like you’re doing a snow angel on my heart and it keeps getting bigger and bigger. Kissing on the sidewalk, holding hands in your coat pocket because I forgot to bring gloves. Wandering around museums and having hard conversations on your couch that make me love you even more; even when the air becomes glass, I can’t stop thinking about how lucky I feel to know you. That there’s no one else like you. My heart aches in your arms and aches when we’re apart. And I just want to be as close to you as possible, for as long as possible, because you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, and I love who I am when I’m with you.
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