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A Psalmist May 2017
The hazy air lingered in the room
Wafting the scent of bodies exhumed.
The temperature dropped
And my heart stopped
But my legs didn't follow suit,
Nor did my mind, struck by a curious kiss.
To pass by the cloud would be an opportunity missed.
So left, then right, then left again
Pressing onward into the chilling den.
Held by the need to know,
I pressed closer towards the threshold.
Despite all the signs in front of my face,
I never felt more alive in the spectre's embrace.
A Psalmist Jul 2016
Death doesn't discriminate
It doesn't see black or blue
But it sure as hell leaves a bruise.
Its punches and beatings repeating
On the news each evening
Until we're left bleeding,
Crying and pleading
For this to stop
Because this "news" is starting to get old.
Death is never satisfied;
It whispers its lies
That It is the answer to all your problems,
That your thirst for vengeance will subside
If you claim just one victim.
And when the blood is poured out
And as death sips its red ***,
We are left awake in its wake
With a ticker-tape parade
Because of one vigilante's charades
of marching to the beat of his own drum.
But let us at least take note of that
before we vilify an entire people group
And start acting brash based on looks
whether it's skin color or uniform.
Death shows no discrimination, so neither should life
My life or your life; our lives are the life blood of this nation
So let's **** out discrimination
lest we bleed out from prejudiced incrimination.
A Psalmist Jul 2016
I am an onion
Hiding behind all my layers.
I stand in the rain
Eating wasabi
Cutting tiny pieces of myself.
I hide behind all my layers
So no one knows if or why I am crying
Because, as an onion,
I am not the one who's supposed to cry.
A Psalmist Jun 2016
Money, fame, worldly securities.
If you have them you will never need
Faith, hope, love, and things like these,
You should only seek out the important things
Which gives life true meaning.
Family, friends, beliefs and dreams,
All that is nice, but a good life requires
Power acquired, fulfilled ****** desire, fortune transpired.
Life will surely continue and be pleasant without
Anything abstract or intangible, no doubt.
The finer things in life always come from
A bigger this, a newer that, a stable income.
Just look at what the people at the top own;
Money can buy happiness 'til the day you die
And yet people still buy into the lie
Living for others is not a wasted life.
It's a truth that should trickle from the top-down,
But what if these words were read the other way around.
*read down then up
A Psalmist Jun 2016
"I wish you were here
I wish I had your shoulder to cry on
Your warmth to rely on
Your listening ear,
I wish you were here
I wish it were that easy"
I wish someone wished that about me.
A Psalmist Jun 2016
He knows so many techniques
He has proven his recipes
The ingredients are there
And he's ready to create
But instead of waiting for his ideas to marinate
Sometimes it's better
To just go raw.
Because like any good chef
he can make things up on the go.
And like every chef
He is the first to taste
and first impressions dominate.
For better or worse.
A Psalmist Jun 2016
It's safe inside
No one will make them come out
But when I want them to
The words just won't.
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