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The girl gazed into the vast, velvet darkness.
Tiny bulbs burning softly just for her
Stare back.

She wishes upon the glittering sky,
To watch from above;
To twinkle not die.

The sky replied,
To the foolish, dreaming girl;

"Even we, the stars, beautiful and sublime
Fall to join your dance.
The mortal dance of frailty and time."

"We stars dont dream,
Nor fall in love.
We burn and watch
And guide from above."

"The heaven you worship
Is empty not here.
But the earth at your feet
Is breathing sincere."

"So even your lives,
Small, fleeting and bright.
Spark more fire
Than stardust in the pale moonlight."
we are breathing the same air
we are looking at the same skies
we are living in the same world*

but why are our hearts are not beating in the same rhythm?

It's too hot
I can't stand this heat
The pavement on fire
It's burning my feet
The sun is relentless
Never seeming to yield
Skin is so burnt
Needing to be peeled
Under the shade tree
I try to huddle
Getting out of the sun
Before I'm a puddle
It doesn't matter
How much I drink
Eyes are so dry
I can't even blink
I must find a place
Where I can get cool
So I don't start
Acting like a fool
The weather will break
The heat will subside
It sure has been
One hot steamy ride
 Jul 2016 A D Altura
 Jul 2016 A D Altura
oh little tree--
through the days
you held your leaves.
so strong, I thought
you might never let go,
but the wind did blow
they fell,
the little red leaves
from the bare little tree
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