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traversing the fog
these colors look so vivid
in this smog I breathe
 Jan 2019 Robert van Lingen
I don't write about your friend.
I think he makes me think too much,
and with less room for feeling
my heart and his can never touch.

The distance grows between us,
although our minds collide;
he always makes me laugh
but he can never make me rhyme.
why is the dictionary def for polygon a def of my luv life:
Polygon: plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five or more.

I’m just laughing to mask the chaos x
She stood there in silence 
Gripping for answers
Nails bitten off
Eyes sunk 
 Jan 2019 Robert van Lingen
The feeling of tears sliding down my cheek.
The feeling of letting go of something you've hold on to for to long.
The feeling of freedom at times.
The melancholy taste.
The rush of adrenaline.
Held hostage.
Letting go of those that wronged you.
Letting the emptiness fill.
No holding back.
Just cry..
Feel relived.
people say that crying is showing those your weak side, some say its a sign of weakness. A friend once told me that only the strongest people will cry infrunt of those they love and trust, at times that they need to let go... so is crying weak? or is it a sign of strength?
i am the moon and you are the sun
the light you see in me
is simply the reflection
of the light in you
 Jan 2019 Robert van Lingen
Dearest Skye,


We haven't spoken in a long time.

Forgive me. I isolate too much.

I've been sick. I'm still sick. I'm going to be sick for a while.

But that's okay. I have hope that it won't last forever. Eventually I'll find something that works. One day I'll leave this self-imposed quarantine.

I apologise. I'm oversharing again. You always told me I did that too much.

How have you been? Did you get that degree? Have you travelled to Japan like you said you would? Did you learn to play the drums?

Have you fixed your relationship with your parents? Did you finally forgive them? Have you kept in contact with your sisters? Your school friends?

And have you solidified your identity? It's hard. The hardest challenge I've ever faced. If I can't do it, you must. Or else you will be miserable for the rest of your life.

But you must not close yourself off like before. You don't have to hide your emotions. To master them, you have to let them consume you and then climb out of the abyss.

You're strong. You can do it. I believe in you.

Write back to me. Let me know if you're happy. I hope, for both of our sakes, that you are.

To be opened 7 January 2029.
I'm in love
with the person
i want you to be
that's how i know
i don't love you anymore
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