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Michael Mar 2018
If every lie you spoke left lacerations on your tongue, I am certain you would be silent.
Verse of the day I.
Michael Mar 2018
These words can't write sober.
Atleast that's what I told myself before I took the alcohol from my pen.
There were no more memoirs, mediocre or mundane.
There was plagiarism and perfectionism. Not a word had left the page.

And when I gave the pen his requested drink, sick did he become.
Copious prose spewed from his mouth; a ***** of ceaseless release.
And that's the story of how I found happiness, and realized it's not for me.
Michael Mar 2018
Know me.
Know me by name, know my deed.
Know me by my prose, know me by my song.
Know me by these words, if you know me at all.
Know me by desire, my desire to be known.
Know that I don't seek fame, but only appreciation.
Michael Mar 2018
I am a weaver of words. Make no mistake I said words, not wisdom.
I am a coniessuer of simulies, and synonyms.
My shelves are lined with glass beakers and tubes containing syllables, but I am no alchemist.

Make no mistake, though, I am a poet.
I will reach for the sharpest edges of your mind, and whether I come home with lifelong scars or your lifelong adoration - I don't mind.

No, I don't behave like someone with something to say, I don't pry. I just sit and sift my words through mesh until only the most complex remain.
Because cliche is a killer, it won't impress.

How many others are out there right now with calices between their thumbs and index fingers speaking the same words I am?

If you feel like you have already heard this before, it's because you haven't. At the end of a stanza or the conclusion of a verse all of the colors start to fade. These pictures I have painted in your thoughts are temporary. Make no mistake, though, the feelings are endless.

— The End —