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  Aug 2023 Whit Howland
Carlo C Gomez
Saturn Jupiter Mars,
three blind mice running
up the clock to find freedom.

starlight stairs in abyss,
cities of the interior ring
carry a dangerous cargo: citizens.

t-minus one/this is fear

I am no astronaut,
I'm a refugee, bleeding hands pressed
tight to the barbed-wired fence.

we play charades from the window,
lunar phases keening
in the tender light of these infant wars.

t-minus one/this is fear

farewell threshold on laudanum,
the grifted gift of the Joe Blakes
painted from memory.

the far off observation
telescoping my fear, leading me
to believe I'm hiding in plain view.
  Aug 2023 Whit Howland
Carlo C Gomez
thin. paper thin.
here is a bonus. (or is it bogus?)

the order of release.
the order of dead pages gliding in the wind.

advertisements for adopting a lonely asteroid or building fire extinguishers in your spare time.

the rain of acceptance comes with dark clouds of shipping and handling.

just check the appropriate box and send it in. send it in now!
Whit Howland Aug 2023
Still resonant on my
hollowed-out soul

do you think we paid too much
for this apartment

she asked
all those years ago
Whit Howland Aug 2023
Such as life
we have

many irons
in the fire

some glowing
and some

not yet red hot
and like a household

we mix

or blend
our metaphors

because of

so much information
passing through

our minds
like pets

that have passed through
our lives

and most

Whit Howland Jul 2023
a beautiful gleaming thing

with wheels
that rides out of town

under gray skies

sometimes thunderous
with a hard rain falling
Whit Howland Jul 2023
A hand painted
still life

of the Munger Moss Motel
Lebanon Missouri

red doors in a neat row
with vintage cars

parked out front

off to the side
is the turquoise slide

that plummeted guests
into the baby blue

of the pool

flip it over
and there are turkey tracks

on the back
where the ink is smudged

in spots

only the brevity


in big caps with exclamation point

and I miss you

like I miss my brother

and everything else
I can only see when

I close my eyes
at night
  Jul 2023 Whit Howland
Carlo C Gomez
The cocktail waitress in the corner

Tonight she skates at Roller City

In polka dots and ponytails

Her lips pursed and polished

For she disapproves of most everything that offers little reflection

No bringing your own music

No pinching the dancers

She moves to a secret sound

Regarding herself as an international spy

In the house of fun
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