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 Sep 2014 Nameless
William Barry
The good die young
                         The young die dumb
                                         We didn't iron our shirts
                                                          ­I guess we're not chosen ones.
 Sep 2014 Nameless
Punk Rock
 Sep 2014 Nameless
Discordant notes hit my ears
as I place headphones over them
Punk rock is as good as it gets
When you’re angry
as a rabid bear who hasn’t eaten
in about three months
and it’s been about three weeks
since you left me
and I want to be angry
but I love you too much
to say I hate you
when I know that you’re just
Discordant notes that hit my ears
as I place headphones over them
‘cause punk rock
is as good as it gets
When you can’t be angry
at someone you once loved
 Sep 2014 Nameless
Daylight 4U2C
If I remember every moment,
then I die every day.
 Sep 2014 Nameless
Daylight 4U2C
I'll be hopeful     for you,
and strive on      for you.
But I'll think      for me.
I will breathe     for you;
have a heart, so true  
                -If it weren't for you, I'd have no reason to-

You pain doesn't hurt for me.
and I won't cry or bleed.
I'll smile happily 
         ­                                    ...but I will not agree..
 Sep 2014 Nameless
Daylight 4U2C
It's not a question sweetums. It's an answer to a problem. You don't know just what you need, but I know just how to solve 'em. You open your hands for me, and I'll hop right in, if you really try to see, I'll show you the world you're missin'. Open your eyes love, and I'll make you never want to close 'em. See there is always a green side to every dark ol' shadow, but run with me and you can see the greener side to everything. Dance and fall into the grass and you won't even care for ants. All that matters there and then is loving; being, until the end.
You can be heavenly, though, I beg you to stay by me.
 Sep 2014 Nameless
Daylight 4U2C
Pale as snow,
and eyes so blue,
and not quite yet mine.
Not a lover,
but a dancer.
With his own kind of mind.

Complicated personality,
but yet such simple taste.
Drawing me in,
so I'm chasing my heart,
and leaving no mark of space.

Swift witted,
slow texter.
Only chatty eye-to-eye.
Fights on whether I understand him.
He's that 'something' kind of guy.
n.n comments? Likes?
 Sep 2014 Nameless
Daylight 4U2C
I'm a little stuck right now.
I got some beans,
but lost my cow.
I was robbed,
but they dropped these here.
Thought it'd be something
I could persevere.
Mom's going to **** me
when she finds out.
I'm going to be cooked instead
there's no doubt!
Jack-o burger,
or Jack smoked-steak.
I can't go back home yet,
or I'll be begging to be baked.
:time passed:
Rain got on my seed
and it almost grew through me
it grew so high and loud
it goes right passed the clouds
It got too much attention
they think this is a plant convention.
I lost the other two seed
Well, I wonder where this leads
:time passed...again:
this....climb was..too high..for me.
On my way hand was run across by a rat!
And I almost jumped..but I didn't quite feel like..going "splat!"
Now I feel a little better.
But it's so freezing cold up here
now I need a sweater!
Where am I anyway?
It looks brighter than snow.
"Where are you?"
"Where are you little creature?"
Oh wait a minute..wait.
"Where are you? You smell real bad."
What did he just say?!
"Thumpity thump
dumbity dumb
I smell something gross
and almost taste it on my tongue."
I looked around for a sharp weapon,
only finding some gold duck.
So I was going to grab it
when it woke and screamed
"Clack clack!"
I quickly thought to grab it
and swung it over my shoulder by the neck
then I realized mom would love this
and gave the giant a rain check.
I tried to just slide down the the vines
but it didn't go out well.
So I pulled the ducks feathers,
and rode down
until it fell. I hurdled to the ground
still holding tightly on the duck.
then I quickly grabbed a leaf,
and the duck yelled
"Clack clack clack!"
I brought it too my mommy
and she almost cooked it well
but she noticed a patch of feathers missing
and wasn't that just swell.
Comments? like?
 Sep 2014 Nameless
Lone Wolf
I cower in fetal position
As angry words are thrown
Not at me,
But hurting all the same
I close my eyes
But I can still see
My safe haven
My stable foundation
Is crumbling
Because of things
That may or not have
Even happened
Just suspicions
The slightest little hints
Taken as proof
Of infidelity

I slip on my shoes
Tiptoe around them
I leave, they don't even see
I walk thro the yard and
Grasp the branches of my favorite tree
And climb up until
All I can see is the beautiful landscape
And all I hear is birdsongs  
And then the tears come
Ever so quietly
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