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 Sep 2014 Nameless
Lone Wolf
You are now entirely mine
Formally shown through
Bite marks and scratches
And when, or before, they fade
I will kindly issue you more
On that previously flawless skin of yours
Sleek, toned muscles, on a thin frame
Warm hands, moving against me
Or tied down with silk ribbons
Entirely mine to command
Wrote for a beloved pet of mine. It in no way encompasses his perfection, but is a start.
 Sep 2014 Nameless
Lone Wolf
 Sep 2014 Nameless
Lone Wolf
Silent tears flow
Hush little child,
Don't make a sound
Don't show this weakness
With sobs,
Don't let others know
Just quietly cry on your lonesome
Stay in your room,
Don't let mother know
You're in this all alone
Because you can't trust others
Can't let the cracks show
Weak child, you need help
You can't carry this on your own
Yet you still stubbornly trudge on
All alone,
Refusing to let your pain show
A little jumbled but all true
 Sep 2014 Nameless
Lone Wolf
what happened to my little girl?
With piggytails, and sweet dreams?*

Why ever are you asking me?
I'm clearly not her
I'm much older and wiser then she
I lost the innocence needed for piggytails
And I scream at night
repeatedly violated in my dreams
Too many memories in my damaged self
To even imitate the young, innocent me
Damaged by you, and him, and even myself
Razor blades and ropes and that lovely smoke
Burning the sweet innocence out of me
If you find her though, can you give her a message?
Tell her to stay the hell away from me
Innocence now would only turn to guilt
Mother asks the weirdest questions sometimes... She knows what happened.
 Sep 2014 Nameless
Lone Wolf
Little girl. Four years old.
Pretty dresses. Dry those tears
Time for pictures
Mommys little doll.
Pretty little doll
Gets attention now
Soak it up while you can
Looks are all that matter
In the "flashing room"
Sit still while I do your hair
Make up too
Don't you dare move


Little girl. Five years old
Get down from that tree
Good girls don't get *****
No, don't play in the mud
**** you
go to your room


Little girl, nine years old
Here's your cell phone,
Mommy won't be home today
Make sure your sister does her homework
And clean up from dinner
I made up bottles for your brother
Don't stay up too late


Little girl, eleven years old
Too pretty for your own good
I'm your moms friend,
Trust me
It won't hurt,
Stay still
Be a good girl
Take those clothes off for me


Little girl, twelve years old
You hold it like this
Now inhale,
Let the smoke fill your lungs
Hold it for a minute
Doesn't that feel good?
Here, have a drink
Mom wanted me to be a pageant girl when I was little but I was always more of a tomboy. Still am. She didn't much care what I did (or what others did to me) once she realized I wasn't her star
 Sep 2014 Nameless
lost girl
I am trying hard
but I can't seem to hide
those fears
that I keep

 Jul 2014 Nameless
Lone Wolf
 Jul 2014 Nameless
Lone Wolf
My heart jumped
When I thought
You had texted

And it stopped
When I realized
It wasn't you
Was just a friend,
Saying good morning
 Jul 2014 Nameless
Lone Wolf
I have finally accepted
I will never find a person that says
"I love you more" first
And then says
"Oh, thank god. Me either"
When I laugh and say that
I don't play that game.

Will never find that person who
Writes me poems but yet
Is not a hopeless romantic

Who shows me love without
Smothering me in it

Who I can debate with, without
Arguing or hurt feelings

I will never find that person
Who is exactly
Because I have already found him. And he is already gone.
You fell in love with me.

I just hope you jumped.
Not slipped.
Ms. Miss Me
Messes with the mess
Of Me
Messianic Masonic Messiah
Making mountainous modules
Manufactured from the make-shift
Makings of my soul
Which lifts me
Higher than before
Mysterious mysticallity
How you made me
After you met me
The misogynistic misogamist misfit
Meets Ms. Perfect
You misled me
You knew I didn’t want to fall in love
I mistreated you
And now
I miss seeing you
Mr. Missed Her
Mistakenly misunderstood
Her magic
For a trick
My mania must mean
Malevolently maiming my mind
Never mind me
Forever mind me
You’re forever mine
Even if only in the mind
My metal moccasins
Stump through
The mine field
On my quest to find you
Constant explosions
A million
M-80’s to make
A metaphor
Of the fire within
The fireworks
I mean
Hopefully the fire works
I destroyed your
Mint commission
I meant condition
Your mint condition
Was devalued
From my mixed intentions
And messages
Monotonous tasks
To get you back
I get your back
And stay forever
In your past

Mt. Empty

You built me
Just to leave me
 Jun 2014 Nameless
Andrew Durst
Your eyes
are dark and

I could've
sworn they
were bright blue
when we
Time has this ability.
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