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 Feb 2018 Just a girl
S C Netha
Lost to me is me
the me i was before you
before you smiled and i forgot
what it's like to breathe and my old self
Left my body and left your clone in it's place.
Left the part of me that emulates you, loves you
breathes you. Now lost to me is the me
I was before i loved you.
So much i became you.
Lost to me is you.
The you that turned the old me into you.
The you that made a new me turned into a new you. Transformed, but the new me can't catch up. It mourns the loss of you
like a burned down home. Clutching the skin you shed hoping you'll return. That you'll wear that same smile again.
That you'll make me forget once again.
I should just evolve once again to match
the new you. But i can't.
Lost to me is that ability.
The new me cannot change.
So now lost to me are both you and i
That's what happens when you love an idea
You become an idea, a copy, a clone
Unable to function without the original.
You are my original, and ******, i need you!
I need you so i can be me.
I need you to be you.
But we are both lost, therefore:
Lost to me is you, and
Lost to me is me.
 Jan 2018 Just a girl
Rubii ü
 Jan 2018 Just a girl
Rubii ü
She's lonely, but she seems happy
She's tired, but she moves forward
She's down, but she doesn't drown
She's hopeless, but she's not careless

They say she's pretty,
but she feels ugly
They say she's smart,
but she feels dumb
They say she's talented,
but she feels incompetent
They say she's strong,
but she feels weak

She has no one, but she ain't gone
And that she,

**Is me.
I'm not addicted to drugs
I'm addicted to being high.

Choke me out
cause i love to die.

And then come back,
all electricuty...

sad to say noone ever knew me

Like I know me.

I'm not addicted to drugs

I'm addicted to being high.

I promise you that

I could never lie.

Its just that an altered state
is what I am seeking.

Those are the seeds I sow
and with luck, what I'll be reaping.

No, it doesnt take drugs
to alter the mind
and Im still learning
but im sure I'll find
what I've been yearning

and this this pain
from the constant burning
will go away
The first time they met big smiles on their face. She had curly hair like curly fries. He was charming with a large personality. She was out going and seductive. While he was funny and charming. The day they met locking eyes their was an electric charge in the air. They both had chemistry with one another. She had been in a relationship. The guy was new to the whole experience he always had female friends but it was nothing more. He was use to the friend zone but with her this was a different experience. She was an only child and had lived with her mother. He was the oldest of six and both parents in his life.
They hung out a few times but he was happy to hang with her he didn't expect much but did have feelings. Her personality has her well know because of her athletic background. He liked to work out because it kept his mind sharp. He was a thinker observer and analyzed everything. The puppy love between them grew he was hooked the first time they kissed this kiss was electric full of energy. He was shy but once she brought him out of his shell he was growing developing communication skills since he grew up less fortunate learning to go without. She was spoiled and use to her way. He was nervous because he always thought his past would effect his future. He enjoyed the time they spent together. They would talk about things get to know one another personal deep conversation.  He has a hard time trusting because he had been hurt grew up with tough love. He didn't like the idea of lowering himself to be accepted or giving up who he was to be liked. She admired his courage and would make him feel valued. He did feel for her but he had been hurt in high school. His so called best friend got with his crush. He no longer wanted to associate with people who wronged him made him feel he didn't matter or belong. She told him he would be okay. He was not good with his emotions because his honesty got him hated when all he did wrong was tell the truth. He feared telling her how he felt because he didn't want her to see him differently cause her to change how she felt about him. The beginning is always fun stimulating and romantic getting to know the person what they like and how unique and special those moments could be.
 Jan 2018 Just a girl
Misty Eyed
I still look for you
at the grocery store.
I still search the cars
at gas stations.
I still hope that we will
bump into each other
at the movies
or in a restaurant.  

I hope,
and I wish,
and I imagine.
I play it over
and over,
again and

But every time
I make it back to my car,
I realize you are still
so far away,
and I will just have to
visit you
in my dreams.

I hate starting poetry lines
I hate lying
I hate the ending of my favorite songs
I hate the beginning of my favorite poems
I seem to definitely hate the beginning of this poem

I hate how paper airplanes
Drift to the ground at some point
Now come think of it
I hate gravity
For letting me
And this **** paper airplane down

I hate love songs from millionaires that get some
And I hate the people that complain that they get none
I hate friends from benefits
Who benefit from my body
And pretend that they benefit from my soul
I hate how time flies by when you're having fun
I hate how time feels slow when I'm feeling alone

I hate when people walk slower than me in crowded hallways
I hate how long my legs are
I hate how stores can't find pants my size
I hate when I can't say the right things
I hate when I say the wrong things
I hate that It makes me feel alone

I hate negative people
I even hate people who are too positive
I'm so positive that it makes me feel negative
Yet I i'm so positive to the fact
That I lie to myself saying to i've moved on
And what I mean from that was from your bed to my couch
And what I mean is that I hate getting distracted
I mean I hate trying to find things to distract me

I hate the smell you give off
And I hate not smelling it
I hate seeing your picture
Yet I hate never seeing it again
I hate that it makes me feel empty
I hate that part of me was left with you.
 Jan 2018 Just a girl
 Jan 2018 Just a girl
I assure you
I am not the type of guy to cheat or lie.
If you’re talking about Snapchat,
She’s not into guys, that’s a fact.

I’ve caught feelings too.
And i still want to take this semi-slowly.
But at the same time i want to rush ahead.
I want to stay up late talking with you before bed.

I have nothing to hide from you,
Ask anything your heart desires you to.
You say you want to be the one to do these things
To tug on my heart strings.

Well you are.
Ever since that poem, you’ve been on my mind and heart.
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