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  Jun 28 Traveler
George Krokos
The rolling ocean of time appears so vast
that who knows how far back into the past
it extends and of our present moment only being
just a slight impression on its shores we’re seeing
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's
  Jun 26 Traveler
Anais Vionet
If you speak of love
speak again

For glorious moonlight
adds thrice such power

Happy messenger
your words sail upon air
striking valentine true

So, if you speak of love
I’m leaning in
speak again
Traveler Jun 26
I can’t bear to live a lie
but in America
that’s how we drive.
Propaganda we’re force fed
with the devil were in bed
**** their leaders starve their poor
we are responsible for death and war.
Coup their governments take their resources
Send in our reserves and all of our forces.

And still, it’s not enough for the beast.
Traveler Tim
  Jun 25 Traveler
Relax, eat your pudding, the
Sweetness taking you back
To the playgrounds of long forgotten days
Then you'll sing like meant to
Like a Robin on your shoulder
Top of the slide, calling the sunrise
Not gonna die
Just smiles

  Jun 25 Traveler
rain falls, sinks into my skin slowly,
pacing down the path with you on the other line.

we talk for too long, but it flows a little seamlessly,
like a new bend in a stream

and we end on a fine note,
a prelude for the next conversation.
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