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It is hard for me
To let you go
Our love so true
My eyes do show

I miss you my love
Though I must move on
Only he above
Knows if we are truly gone
I cried tonight for the last time.  It was unexpected and caught me off guard but i felt something let go
As time passes by
We romanticize
What we once despised
The final goodbye
Our story will end
A week from now?

Baby, I let you go
Knowing it would be our demise
Fly my sunshine and know
I loved you and will till
My last breath has been taken

Soon the pain will be numbed
The love forgotten
As I say my final goodbye
The  memories I cherish will be no more
As my last breath is soon to be taken
The release I need will be granted
He can't say
"I love you"
She belongs to
Another man

She longs to
Feel his lips
Though she
Belongs to a man

She is free
To love any man
As she belongs
To no single man
As we grow closer our love grows stronger.
To have
Your heart broken
Means someone
Took advantage
Of your love
As I heal the sick and injured
My pain increases within
As I soothe their sorrows
My tears will become an ocean

I give my heart
To the ones I take care of
Leaving me empty inside
A void I can't fill
Only a love
Can begin to mend
My shattered soul
I've given myself to others always waiting for someone to fill my emptiness.
I tell myself
I don't love her
Though I miss her
Went months with out
Hearing From her
I was happy

Saw her again
Feelings boiled inside
Both hate and love
Should I let
Love or hate run my life?
I thought I was over her, thought when I saw her again I wouldn't care.  Haven't heard from her in so long (blessing).  Now she has contacted me once again
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