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Dec 2020 · 657
Rachael Dec 2020
the world is on fire,
but i am at peace.
the situation's dire,
and this year was so bleak.
who knows what twenty one
will have in store?
will this virus be done?
will we go to war?
whatever awaits,
i'll be so okay,
passively accept fate
'cause i am unphased
by trudging though days
that are just as grey
as those filled with rage,
as those filled with pain,
that always lit my way.
Sep 2020 · 684
Scared of You
Rachael Sep 2020
It's okay
You can talk to me
There's no need to flee
You're not my enemy
You know, I'm so lonely

It's okay
I really do like you
I only talk to few
'Cause I'm scared of you
Am I getting through

It's okay
I want to talk to you
I'm really dying to
Why am I scared of you
I shouldn't be scared of you

Scared of you, scared of you
It makes me scared of you
Scared of you, scared of you, scared of you
And now you're scared of me
Mar 2020 · 143
Rachael Mar 2020
Everywhere I look it's being preached.
That cutting your ties and leaving your home
is the best thing you can do.
And I would love to.
But I'm not able to.
All I can do
is bring out the best in these little roads.
Or at least that's what I'd love to believe.
Jan 2020 · 1.2k
Rachael Jan 2020
I already feel alienated enough
But I may as well rejoice at this void
There are other types of love
I don't care that I have no choice
Dec 2019 · 164
Rachael Dec 2019
The walls are crashing down
The rules, they are dead now
Take a glance at everything else
That they'd wish you never felt

It's your turn now

The brightness may try to blind you
But it can't **** what's inside you
Don't you dare kneel before
Everything that makes you sore

You're in control now

Go as far as you can
Until you find somewhere that feels like home
Make your way across the lands
Until all with grievances are shown
It's okay if you want to leave
You don't have to die in toxicity
Someday they're going to look up and see
They were wrong to throw you away

You're above them now
They can't break you down
No one will ever break you down
Oct 2019 · 160
The End
Rachael Oct 2019
Look at everything you've you've broken.
Look at everything you've ruined.
There's not much left in the ashes and the dust,
I'm not even quite sure of who I was.
Have you had your fun, now?
Because soon, it will all be done.

I don't know if it could've happened differently,
But I will take you on until I'm dead.
I can see now that you've always been controlling me,
But all stories have to end.
I won't let you hurt me again.
Oct 2019 · 281
Rachael Oct 2019
I guess I should start by saying it's always been a part of me
Although I never really noticed it until it had been pointed out to me
Countless times, that question was repeated:
"Why are you like this?"
"Why are you like this?"

I kept yelling back "I don't know!"
But the message never seemed to go through
Confused and frustrated, I curled up into my shell
I walked alone in my quiet hell

Because that's what they wanted, right?
That's what they expected?
I guess I grew to comply
But inside I felt rejected
I thought they wanted the pain to eat me alive

And now, here I am
Just trying to find myself again
But I fear they'll gossip if I leave my cage
But with that mindset, nothing will change

I will never be saved.
Mar 2019 · 193
Rachael Mar 2019
"Drown yourself inside the light
Paint your world a neon white
Who knows what lies inside the dark?
Tear that broken world apart!"

You scream this thinking you’re divine
But part of you lives in the night,
And isolations undefined
Nothings black and nothings white
Reality's a mix of greys
Your extremes are just a cage
Keeping you from seeing straight
Mar 2019 · 136
Playing With Shadows
Rachael Mar 2019
Why did I do it?
Well, I didn't know
That it would cause my collapse, my fall
Welcome to my last show
And in case you couldn't already see,
There's not much left of me

I had thrown away reality
In the favor of alternate beings
I could rule them all, rise and fall
I stepped over the line
And fell into my darker side
Editing the real world in my head
Why face real life again?
I could do anything,
Playing with shadows

Soon it all drained away,
As I had realized I'd gone astray
Those perfect days
Left me in chains
Took it all

Took it all

— The End —