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Brian Yule Mar 2020
Accepting the lack
Found comfort in ordering
Stirring the tea leaves
Brian Yule Mar 2020
Nightfall brings respite
To drag wounded from corpse fields
First snowdrops in bloom
Brian Yule Mar 2020
Quilting words to pad
This unfathomable ache
Wrap me up hollow
Brian Yule Mar 2020
Ache of being isolated grown too close
You spin the wheel, though wary
Weary too
Another raw encounter: open wound
Another tongue duel probing to find out
The rule you’ve never broken
A lure, if spoken; left unsaid, a doubt
A bur to hook the tighter those who run
Nursing the rub
The present friction burns of uncertainty
The pleasant fictions formed to fill the gap
This shifting scene that saps with sifting urgency
This morphing tempter mutely mouths its name
Read my lips
Spill my dear
Do you decline
Or feast fears
Climb into bed
Sip on the nectar
Brian Yule Mar 2020
Long quest's goal fulfilled
Cast loose beneath oak's dapple
To core & pare fruit
Brian Yule Mar 2020
Horizon spits a whisper
Greens & blues that twine & then meander
Land's answer to the intimacy of flow
To find paths unhindered
From hinterland to estuary's reply
Fresh leaping, salt undertow
Cry of seagulls
Tidal glow
Gravity's evergreedy show
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