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 Jul 2021 TheBlackBird
a name


the music whispered to him
he's never felt this before
but it felt like everything

it was the cruel heat of the afternoon
and the boiling skin of an alcoholic
that dried his tears

and he tried to remember

what is now
television static

and an endless hum
from broken air-conditioning

and dead rotting fm radios

how dead rotting memories
reminded him of what once was


it's her


her eyes were blue

and she smelled like fish
and gasoline

her skin was red-purple

her words were poisonous

ι ωιℓℓ ηєνєя ƒσяgєт уσυ, she said

out loud

in a decrepit cathedral, her words echoed

her family of skeletons were there

his family of maggots were, too

god was their witness, but he was busy with another billionaire

it was the most beautiful day in their lives
and now this is all he sees

some pastel hell by bosch

with pointless dalinian remnants
of hours trying to figure out

why it had to end that way

oh, why it had to end

it ended

but you left it in a ****** to **** state, the ends of the threads

and now
confusion will never leave

the music
will sound of unborn mosquitoes

untuned pianos

her voice in lullaby, stretched to infinity

his silent, muffled, choking screaming



how long has it been

it doesn't matter

this will last

written in a drunken haze, while listening to
 Jul 2021 TheBlackBird
a name
as i wait in traffic i look out on dusty skies and see glimpses of glory
beautiful glory, like the success of an entire day

and i take deep breaths and ponder
why is it so beautiful, why now

why do you look like memories
why do i want to scream out the name of my beloved and the names of grace
in the middle of the highway

it is more truthful than church
more insightful than universities
more relaxing than people stepping on you
tons more relaxing

but i look back now
as i light a cigarette at 5 pm
and i look above me

streaks of orange cirrus on a blue to ultramarine gradient
a waning moon and a waxing sun
peppered with nimbus

it is not as marvelous as memory

oh, i really do want to scream out your name

you and me together had our moment
where we just stared at the sunset sky

in the old times, days with no nicotine

and i told you
i love you the same way i love this epiphany
golden hour had passed but now this screams out prettier than any gemstone

the allure of heaven enticing mortal men
with nothing but a painting on the somber skies
enticed me same as your face and voice
and a smile worth every stellar

it brings me the smallest of sanity
calm waves on the sea of thought

memories of sunsets
of days worth living
 Jul 2021 TheBlackBird
a name
they waited nine months for a girl
only to have a rascal

i waited three hours for a cake
only to have charcoal

the apostles waited three days for glory
until they noticed the smell

i waited for you
for ten weeks
six days
twelve hours
and thirteen minutes

only for a no

sometimes, things that take time

are not worth it in the end
i am a very bad baker

I intentionally failed to wish you
a happy birthday this year,
though I know significant dates,
hours, moments, people,
by heart.
I still search for you in boys
I mistake for bandages,
the ones with eyes almost
the same shade of your hazels,
lips resounding your laughter,
resembling a wisp of your smile,
But they aren't you.


Sometimes I pretend you're dead,
because it's less painful
to stop reaching out into voids.


My mom still blames you
for everything that preceded that year.
Though you probably had no idea what happened
when we stopped talking altogether.
Can you believe it's almost been three years?


My dad wonders who was my 'one that got away'
Though, I'm pretty sure he knows
it's you.


Remember how I mentioned Sylvia Plath?
How most everything she wrote
brimmed with melancholy?
How I loved every single word?
Especially that piece
where she talked about expectations
and disappointments.
You'll never know that
up to this day I still think
people are selfish enough to
always, eventually turn into the latter.
Even you.


It's sad I never got the chance
to tell you about Ted.
How she loved him so much,
she just had to dive headfirst
into the flames-- burning herself,
what was left of her--
after she found out
he never really loved her
the same way
she loved him
in the first place.


truth is,
some of us
never learn to accept
the love we think we deserve.


I don't know if you still read my poems
or if you still think about me,
about us, sometimes.
Every time you fall asleep past eleven,
a part of me hopes you do.
because I always remember you--
in birthday candles, red ribbons,
off-tune voice records, golden arches,
concrete sidewalks, pedestrian lanes,
the last flickers of city lights
softly fading out of the blue.
I remember you
in everything, in everywhere,
in everyone.
It's useless, no matter how much I try to forget.
No matter how much I just want to forget.
I want to forget.

But, how could I?

When forgetting means forsaking
the very memory of you.
 Jul 2021 TheBlackBird
Vale Luna
(read forward, then backward, line by line)

I ran.
Not knowing what else to do
There was so much blood on my hands
It was mine
The kitchen knife
Caught in my chest
Consumed by
I was heightened by
But running on
Wasn’t enough
While trying to stay calm,
Losing control
It was me that would end up
Dead. Because
He was
In front of me
The whole time
It was too late
I found myself
Locked in chains
My fate was
Forward: from the victims perspective.
Backward: from the murderers perspective.

Don't tell me the pieces of us
fell from my careless hands.
As if I was the Medusa
who turned your veins bitter,
and your skin to stone.

Anxiously hunched shoulders
can only hold up a relationships for so long
before giving under the pressure
of resentful looks and strained silences.

It wasn't I that scattered
eggshells in our home,
ear posed for gentle cracking in the
unfaithful hours of the morning.

My hands spread wide still aren't
enough to cradle your expectations,
and here I am, struggling to hold on to the edge,
as the gap between reasonable and unattainable widens.

I won't be blamed for leaving.
Not when your eyes have held ghosts for far too long.
Any ideas for the title?
 Apr 2013 TheBlackBird
d n
 Apr 2013 TheBlackBird
d n
stop getting so close and comfortable,
(you ******* idiot)
you know you always do this
(and you always get hurt).
(note to self)
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