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I don't think they understand
The thoughts that run in my head
I don't think they understand
The reason I lay awake on my bed

I don't think I understand
The thoughts that run in my head
I don't think I understand
The reason I lay awake on my bed

So why should they?
She was bad for him.
She was his worst distraction
But he was so attracted
Simply infatuated
With her.

Months passed
With him longing for her,
He wanted to hold her

He’d wait for decades,
Just to hold her hand.
He’d wait for centuries,
Just to see her smile.
He’d wait patiently,
For eternity,
Just to call her “mine”.

He didn’t care about what was best for him.
He didn’t care about what was best for them.
All he cared about was her amazing smile,
Making the mistakes he made
So worthwhile.

But, being apart,
Made him do better in life.
He was concentrating,
Grades up, social life stable,
And was the boy his parents wanted him to be.

But inside, He was dying.
He missed her like crazy.
He wanted her,
He needed her,
It was worth giving all this up,
Just to hold her in his arms.
Her perfect, Angelic face,
He wanted to hold it close to his
And just before they kissed,
Whisper “I love you”.

He dreamt of a future together,
He picked up each piece of their magical infinity
-His fantasies
Forgetting reality,
Only wishing to grasp her hand
Which was just out of reach.

He hoped, one day,
He would capture the world
In his large hands,
Engraving it on a silver ring
As he knelt down
And asked her to marry him.

He wanted to take her
To the most beautiful cities,
Yet prove to her
There was nothing more beautiful than her
In his eyes.

He wanted to
Wrap his arms around her,
Pull her close,
Just to show that
He was never ever letting go.

He didn’t want to listen
To what people thought
Of her or him.
She was the only brightness in his life.
The only thing that made him smile.

His eyes flickered,
Landing on the magnificence
That was the love of his life.
But she didn’t know it yet.

He wanted to feel the sparks fly,
Once again.
Fireworks bright,
In his mind
He wanted his body to ignite,
In flames.
Just by one look,
From her to him.

And he hoped, prayed,
The feeling was reciprocal.
He wanted her in his possession,
As she had already become his obsession.

He wanted to hold her,
Kiss her, then say
“You are not an option
You are my priority,
Don’t forget that,
We’ll define eternity”
i matter the most
you said so
and yet
i matter second
when other
things concern

i understand
i know i'm not
the only thing you
think about
i'm not selfish
enough to
think i'm
your world

i have a place
at the top of your list
as long as other
things that matter
don't pop up
on your list

i have a place
and i stick
to it
i'm limited to
that place
but at least
i have it
Limited.. even though I should be the opposite
It wasn't the sound of Bobwhite Quail on the opposite shore of the lake  , nor the sound of bullfrogs or panfish striking the surface ..
       Not the cacophony of insect and songbird or cattle calling in the distance ........ With such sweet music in the air , 'twas but one song above all other !  Laughter ! Walking hand in hand , the first day we met , just the two of us  !
Copyright September 15 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
they will call you crazy
in your youth,

but eccentric in your old age,
if you work good at it!

me i'm going for ******* crazy now,
then ******* eccentric later.
how'm i doing so far?
oh ****, it is already later...
I want to love you

But the world feels like a bigger space
Bigger than an uncertain future
Bigger than us
Like a crossroad with no directions
and I'm a car at full speed with no brakes

I want to love you

But do I really want to?
When the voices outside my head are so loud I can't even hear my own
Like four corners of a wall
Closing in 'til all I see is a life where everything from dust to majestic castles has to have your name written on them

What about my name?
What about the dreams I will myself to dream every night when I finally stopped hating own reflection?
Those dreams didn't include you

You are a ship
Forever moving but constant
You cross seas with your own world inside of you
I'm just the waves you cut across
A mix of still bright blues and gloomy thunderstorms
I have no direction
I'm all over the place

I want to love you

But, really, what is love,
If I lose grip of everything that holds me tight
If I make graveyards out of gardens
And break people's hearts the same amount of times I break my mine

I want to love you

With a love people lose sleep over for
A love that makes the empty space and cold pillows warm with childlike hope
A beautiful kind of love
Genuine and pure like your eyes and your intentions
I don't know if I can handle it with calloused hands and a bitter heart

I want to love you
With all the love you deserve
But how can I
When love is a tall building
And I'm scared to death of heights
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