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May 2015 · 969
Voyager May 2015
Another time, another place
Different names, different face
I knew it was you for your soul was linked to mine
Right then I realized how fate will always work–putting us both in each other's lives
I've watched myself die and be reborn
I've seen you live and be free
But every time our eyes will meet
No need of words but a deal is made
Sworn to be together no matter what

But even though we know we were;
Fate did not let it be
for it only destined us to cross paths but never stay and see
May 2015 · 327
Voyager May 2015
I gave you my heart
completely and willingly
At that time I did not care
I thought that you can have it break it
by all means, take it
You did not steal this heart
For a while you kept it safe and secure
But more days passed
Weeks, months, years
You did not care as much anymore
dropping the heart on the cold hard ground
Crying, screaming, pain
You did not steal it
*You shattered it and left
Mar 2015 · 280
Voyager Mar 2015
They say we are just a bunch of people who eat lunch together,nothing more
And i don't know
Maybe sometimes we are
But then again maybe we aren't
Feb 2015 · 417
Voyager Feb 2015
We are like fire ignited from forest wood
something consistent but has a limit
after a while we will burn out
we will fade
and all that will remain are ashes
destruction is all we have left
marks  with memories of something great
but with that fire
I do not regret
because loving you
was something great
I love you, ***
Dec 2014 · 284
Voyager Dec 2014
I want to know how you've been
I want to know what you're doing
If you're having fun, if you're happy
I don't know, I just want to know
Like the way I wanted to know you from the beginning
I care the way no one else would for you
I love you more than anyone can else except for your mom
I wanted you
I may seem cold but I don't mean to be
How can I pull you closer every time you push me away when you won't let me
I love you and I think it's best to set you free
You were never really mine
But we both know you once were
And now, I have to hope– just hope that you're happy
Hope that you're safe
And that you haven't forgotten about me
Why is it so easy for you, love?
Dec 2014 · 387
Capability (14w)
Voyager Dec 2014
My heart is broken–I know,
but it can still love you whole okay?
For my best friend who is always there
Dec 2014 · 746
Voyager Dec 2014
This Christmas,
I want to be truly okay
To finally see light in everyday besides the sun and the stars but the shine of my own
To smile genuinely without care
I want to love and be loved no matter how hard I could be
I want my thoughts to vanish along with the sadness
To soar and fly and feel free
To to have a glimpse of what a magnificent life could be
No concrete wish, just happiness

It would be great
Voyager Dec 2014
Lost souls wonder
Lost people wander
both not knowing what they already have but knowing what they don't
Lost souls pray for a fixed heart, and wonder how they could have a smile that sets everything straight; a life that is being lived, not like not dying
Those lost people on the hand, keep close for warmth wandering streets looking for kind hearts
Begging for comfort in this season

Both looking for ways to be okay
This season maybe, just maybe we could all be of help
Dec 2014 · 425
Warrior Abandoned
Voyager Dec 2014
You don't know how hard I fought for you
How I defended you from my best friend saying that I am happy with you and that you are different
How I told my sister that you were worth it, that I liked you
How I told my mom that you were good for me, that you are have grown on me
How I told other people that you are not like what others say; that you were better
How I understood you at your worst
How I was there whenever you need me
How I forgave you because I can't lose you
And how I stayed away from the things that could make you jealous

I'm sorry if something went wrong
If my happy self hid itself for a while and you had to see me at my dimmest light
I'm sorry if I couldn't make you hold on
I'm sorry if you got tired
But I guess if you were genuine no matter what, you still could have– we still could have stood still no matter what
Dec 2014 · 407
Voyager Dec 2014
I fought hard, you gave up

on me, on us
Dec 2014 · 897
Voyager Dec 2014
You told me I'd be happier if you and me didn't exist but you forgot you're my happiness
Dec 2014 · 400
No more
Voyager Dec 2014
This is the time I won't depend on other people for my happiness.
No more sulking in the darkness of my own self pity.
No more feeling like I am not enough or worth it.
This is the time I'll shine
Possibly brighter than the sun.
Dec 2014 · 277
Voyager Dec 2014
You were the one who told me not to mind what other people say and not to give up.
But you were also the one who listened to them and gave up on me.
What happened?
Dec 2014 · 508
I'm okay
Voyager Dec 2014
I'm just tired

Of what?

of life


Because I am never the one loved or asked to stay
Never the one needed
Never the one wanted
Never the one who's worth it
Never the one who is enough
Nov 2014 · 722
Young Love
Voyager Nov 2014
I took it too seriously
you didn't
I gave you my time
you couldn't
I said those three words and meant it
you didn't
I gave you my heart
you couldn't

Silly of me believing in your words
Falling for your actions
Hoping for our future
When all you did was make me cave in and melt
But without planning on staying as my rock

I feel so stupid saying I love you
And even more for feeling so
If you only know how much I do
If you only know how much it hurts to love unrequitedly

Give me back my kisses
I take back my words
Return my hugs
And let me forget about you
So silly. To feel a love this strong yet a love unreturned. Too young. Too soon. Too tragic.
Nov 2014 · 470
Voyager Nov 2014
Confided with silence
Alone in a world vast and unknown
no one will really understand
Why do I even bother?

Why do I even exist?__
friends? I don't know if I have any anymore
Oct 2014 · 428
Voyager Oct 2014
Nobody knows how much she chants to stop and fall asleep
Oct 2014 · 300
Voyager Oct 2014
It's okay to have doubts
I won't get tired of proving things
But please know I have mine too
There will be times I'll push you away without reason
There will be these circumstances that I'll be scared of everything specially the future
And I'll need to know you'll be there no matter what

It breaks my heart a little, well maybe a lot
Knowing you think we won't last
"Not that I want us not to last"
that phrase.., it devoured my spirit

Why can't I make you think that we could possibly make it till the end?
Can't I make you fight hard enough for us?
Do even believe we're worth it?

Will there really be an Us in the future?
I won't find out until then
But it's difficult not to fuss
Because I know tomorrow is also the future totally unknown
Believe even if there is a lie in that word my love.
Oct 2014 · 762
Voyager Oct 2014
There are times I drown in thoughts

Depression taps my shoulders

The blade tempts me

Before, I questioned why people cut their own skin

I wonder how they could have done that

Then as time passes by, I now realize how it feels like

Never being enough

Feeling worthless while the weight of the world drags you down

Every day questioning your existence until the break of dawn

Tired crying eyes that never run out of water

Thinking of it is easy but doing it is another thing

Maybe I'm not that selfish
Maybe I'm not that desperate
Maybe because I still have hope
And maybe because I fear what may happen— that it would be something worse than the pain right now

*I guess I'm not that brave
Oct 2014 · 334
Voyager Oct 2014
People want to be loved back.

But you forget that loving someone does not require them to return the same amount of love you have given. Not everyone could have the heart full of love as you do.

You do not say things that are not meant by deeds and by heart. Words are meaningless unless proven otherwise.

You don't turn against people that you love when they have done for you was to help. You shouldn't pretend that you care when you are one of those people who wished them in that state.

most of all, you can never be loved back when you keep on hurting them. When all your words can swoon yet mean nothing.
Attitude is one thing yet how would you be trustworthy.
Sep 2014 · 298
Voyager Sep 2014
Everyday trying to move on
Then remembering you in everything there is
It makes my heart feel like daggers are cutting deeper and deeper
Only, that I don't die and the pain does not end

Oh my old love, how I miss you
Sep 2014 · 497
Case (14w)
Voyager Sep 2014
Do you know what's worse than hoping you'd miss me?
It's knowing you wouldn't.

— The End —