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Nina McNally Oct 2015
Underneath this full
Moon I sit
And watch

These people come and go.
Hoping that one day we can have peace,
Understanding, and love again.
Right now this world needs help, a
Miracle---something to bring us back to
A** time when we cared about our
Neighbors and each other. Someday.
Inspired by and song title from Fall Out Boy. Thanks to Uma Thurman, she's awesome!
©McNally, Inc.
Nina McNally Oct 2015
In the middle of the night,
Right in the darkest hour; Are you
Ready to live?
Everyone going nowhere fast, not
Seeing the beauty the world has.
In this moment in time,
Stop and look around you---
The beauty this world has!
I** want to go back to the
Beginning when
Life was simple and
Everyone still cared!
©McNally, Inc.
inspired by and title from Fall Out Boya
Nina McNally Jul 2015
For all the broken hearted,
Open your heart again, and to all who think no one
Understands, to all  the outcasts, lost ones, and anyone:
Reach out, there's someone who gets it,
There's someone for everyone and no one is truely alone.
Here in this very messed up world, I still see
HOPE all around me. It's
Out there, and anyone can take it. It's
Free and keeps you Positive.

Just thinking of Hope gives you power and
Understanding. We  need more peace and
Love in this world and it starts with
You. You can help change the future!
Stay Positive! Stay Strong!
McNally, Inc.
title and inspiration from Fall Out Boy.
I feel like this one speaks for itself.
Nina McNally Jul 2015
Just in the nick of time, I
Escape from the world and
The crazy people that live in it.

People in a hurry, going nowhere fast
And not stoping to enjoy the beauty. "Our
Culture are vultures" not
Knowing when enough is enough. Let's go

Back to the past when
Life was simply and people actually cared.
Understanding that we can change the future.
Each day we have a chance to make a
S**tance and change the outcome of our future for the children!
McNally, Inc.
Title and influenced from Fall Out Boy.
"We are in charge of our destiny!"
"We make our own luck!"
Nina McNally Jul 2015
Forever in my mind,
Always in my heart, you are my one and only! I love you
Very much! You're my future, and the
Only guy in my life.
Remember when we first met...
I** do and each day feels like
The first and I can't believe it's been 3 years!
Everyday I'm with you

Reminds me that good things do happens to good people.
Everybody wants a love like ours;
Caring, loving, and always having fun!
One day we'll be Mr. and Mrs. and I'm
Really looking forward to that
Day, but I can wait! I love you!
McNally, Inc.
Title from Fall Out Boy and inspiration from my fiance.
Everyone has a true love out there, and I'm lucky I found mine.
Nina McNally Jun 2015
Day- June 14, 2015, Time- 8:07pm
When you were born
With those SLEEPY eyes
Ready to take on the world
And your BIG brothers, Mike and Connor.
With that cute little nose,
Forever Daddy's little princess,
And Mommy's little girl!
9lbs. 13 oz. 22 inches
You were a big baby
Born into a BIG family,
And we'll always be there for you,
And your brothers will always
You and your cousin, Avery, will be
Tea parties, sleepovers, and more.
We'll have to wait and see
What you decide to be!
So now all I have to say, baby girl,
"Welcome to the world and the family, Sarah!
I wrote this after my 2nd niece was born.  I started these when my first nephew was born in 2007, and now he's almost 8. I will continue writing these for any new nephew or niece. I love my family!
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Nina McNally Feb 2015
Now here we are, what have we become?
Our world is not like it use to be... It's
Very messy now, and people not caring. What happen here?
Our world needs our help! What happen to this
Culture? We were suppose to be the dreamers
And  the creators, but wait!! It's not too late.
If* we start now, we could still save our world and maybe the
Next generation can do better; *learn from our mistakes.

Everyone: We're all in this together!!

*Together we can change our future!
Written on February 18th, 2015
©McNally, Inc.
Title and inspiration (as always) from Fall Out Boy
Just something I wrote tonight before I head off to bed.
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