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SomeOneElse May 2019
All alone, nobody's type
My depressions it's so ripe
Can't escape this downward spiral
All alone cause I'm so sad
And oh so sad cause I'm alone
Wish I knew how to fix me
Find a way to be happy
Wish could end this downward cycle
All alone because I'm sad
Yet so sad cause I'm alone
Wish I could end all this pain
And my happiness regain
But I feel my fate is final
Oh so sad cause I'm alone
Yet all alone because I'm sad
I really need to find a way
To no longer be this way
To finally end this downward spiral
But I'm Still sad cause I'm alone
And all alone because I'm sad
Written to explain how I feel
SomeOneElse Apr 2019
Trapped alone inside of me
Longing to set myself free
Wishing that I just knew how
That I could talk to you right now
My tongue is tied
My body stiff
Striking out another whiff
My tongue is tied
And body frozen
Wishing someday
To be chosen

Wish I knew just what to say
And how I wish this were the day
But you are so beautiful
And my shyness plentiful

My tongue is tied
My body stiff
Striking out another whiff
My tongue is tied
And body frozen
Wishing someday
To be chosen

Intimidated by your looks
Your stunning beauty has me hooked
Wish I knew just what to do
Wishing I could talk to you
My tongue is tied
My body stiff
Striking out another whiff
My tongue is tied
And body frozen
Wishing someday
To be chosen
my tongue is tied
A song I wrote while waiting to sing at the bar
SomeOneElse Apr 2019
Once upon a starry night
You inspired me to write
Though you're way out of my
You're beauty had me so intrigued
Couldn't stop staring at your thighs
Or your big beautiful eyes
Your stunning looks and friendly smile
Had me utterly beguiled
Gazing on your **** legs
My heart was a powder keg
Luscious lips and long blonde hair
I just couldn't help but stare
Wish I could hang out with you
Would love to get to know you
Wish someday to hold you tight
Once upon a starry night
Poem inspired while I was waiting to sing karaoke
SomeOneElse Feb 2019
Met a girl sweet as hell
with her charm, could enchant anyone
Looks could **** what a thrill
where do i begin she is second to none

Can’t take my eyes off her as she cast her spell
Ma-ri-bel, how I fell
Can’t dispel , I’m in trouble can’t you tell

her brown eyes mesmerize
And with but a glance  I just don’t stand a chance
With her smile and her style
i’d go the extra mile She has me so beguiled

Can’t take my eyes off her as she cast her spell
Ma-ri-bel, how I fell
Can’t dispel , I’m in trouble can’t you tell

(Spoken like a prayer)
Roses are red be violets blue( backup voice repeat)
I rewrote this song for you (backup voice repeat)
Hope you like it yeah I do (backup voice repeat)
And wish I could spend time with you (backup voice repeat)

Her-beauty-could make me drop dead
Can't get her out of my head
Youth you must see for yourself
And how I want her for myself

Ma-ri-bel cast a spell, in my mind
Ma-ri-bel how I fell
Can't dispel, I'm in trouble can't you tell
A song I wrote usin the music from Metallica's Enter Sandman for a friend of mine.
SomeOneElse Feb 2019
It's been raining all night and day
And I know just what you'll say
You won't go out when it rains
Except to hike a mountain range
But I long to be with you
Hold you tight the whole night through

I want to be your hiking trail
Or the sea on which you sail
I long to be your fairytale
Let you explore in all detail
Just want to be your hiking trail

Forecast says rain again today
So in your house you decide to stay
Won't go to parties, run errand or shop
When outside there are raindrops
When it Rains you go on strike
Cept maybe for one of your  hikes

I want to be your hiking trail
Or the sea on which you sail
I long to be your fairytale
Let you explore in all detail
Just want to be your hiking trail

Doesn't matter rain or shine
I just want to make you mine
We could go out or just stay in
Either way with you I win
I just want to be with you
To hold you tight the whole night through

So let me be your hiking trail
Or the sea on which you sail
And let me be your fairytale
To explore in all detail

I just want to be your hiking trail
My first attempt at writing a country song. Written for and inspired by a friend.
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
I had a dream I was desired
And for our bodies to perspire
With lustful passion, a wildfire
My soul and body was required

I had a dream of ecstacy
I wanted her, she wanted me
All inhibitions were set free
For one night of intimacy

I had a dream erotica
And positions exotica
Turned my bedsheets Aquatica
From such hot dreams erotica

I had a dream i was on fire
With naughty thoughts i had inspired
Instead i Dream to be desired
So tired of feeling undesired
Just how I have been feeling lately
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
-. -.  - - -   -,  .. -.  .. -  …  .   -..

Confusion’s to blame
          For all of this pain
That's inside my veins
Like a runaway train
          Or jet engine plane
It's killing my brain    

It's eating my veins
          My strength it does drain
I'm becoming lame
          And going insane
I can't take the strain
          Of all of this pain

There’s a fiery flame
           That's kept me refrained
While frying my brain

It must me contained
It must be refrained
My soul to regain
          My body to reign
And end all this pain

The answer is plain
I must stop the train
By destroying the flame

This disease I'll then mame

But this dark evil stain
          I've put too much strain
And as for the train
I still do not gain
An old poem written back in college meant to covey how i felt.
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