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Zoe Grace Jun 2021
You tease me
You trick me
You kiss me
You love me
H <3
Zoe Grace Jun 2021
Who knew I could be so
But so
at the same time?  

It seems like my emotions are chosen at
               R                                      D

Zoe Grace Nov 2020
One friend persues the other
Cloaked in twisted fantasies
Oblivious to her discomfort
His ears unwilling to hear the word
Making comments unsolicited
Longing looks innappropriate

She doesn't want it.
Zoe Grace Nov 2020
A heart of gold stopped beating
Two shining eyes now at rest
God broke our hearts to prove
That he only takes the best
Seven years ago today, my Pop collapsed in his bedroom and was declared braindead. This is the poem my mum wrote for him. Pop, if you can see this, I love you. I miss you every day.
Zoe Grace Nov 2020
Time is non existant
The world around me shuts down
I transfer myself wholeheartedly
Into a fantastical adventure
For I am no longer myself
I am the protagonist
Sleep, I need not
But answers, well..
Answers I need to live
Zoe Grace Nov 2020
You used to go by another name
Now you're somebody new, and your name is

When i was with you
My heart was at W.   A.    R.  
Questions and screams and bloodshed
Now you have my friend
I just hope you treat him right
You made out with him in the park
But did you really feel?
He doesnt deserve
To feel what i felt
When you had my heartstrings in your hands
I found this out today. New news.
Zoe Grace Nov 2020
I write to feel
I read to breathe
I look at you for inspiration
The stars in your eyes
The gleam in your smile
The love in your heart

I write to feel
I read to breathe
You are my inspiration
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