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 Jul 2019 SassyJ
I missed this,
magic instance
that happened
when I finally noticed
my heart was breaking
in tiny increments.

Tears tare
at time’s restraints,
making moments
of minor pain
seam epic
major sorrows
become speckles
in the distance.

I am disconnected,
by this disjointed
that does not share
the same values
as me.

Humanity could be
lovers of poetry
and science
but instead
it chooses
greed and violence.

I am lonely,
left longing
for a companion
but unwilling to venture forth
into the storm
because life has informed me
that despite reports to contrary
I really don’t matter.
surely as the sun will rise
our ascendants met in the early autumn sky
and curled around the axis of our charts
stretching their fingers like wandering serpents
all spells being cast were revoked
all shadows undermined by their own shallowness
someday somebody will have to answer all of these questions
someday we may learn why we were created
here and now its useless to dwell
on pointless tasks and queries
so lets mend our own dresses
and forget about the elections for awhile
 Jul 2019 SassyJ
 Jul 2019 SassyJ
My desire is more than
the mere lust of touch,
more than the yearning
for ***.

It is the need to connect
and be heard
by the one I prefer
who desires the same
passions from me.
 Jul 2019 SassyJ
Anonymous Freak
His laugh is impish,
His smile devilish,
He seems to have a secret
Behind his eyes.

Musicians have the best hands
After all.

It feels good to have
His eyes on me.
It feels good to look up
At him
And catch him
Looking at me.

One sided
Sideways glances
Are lonely.
To steal a moment
Of drinking in
A person’s humanity,
Catch the laugh,
The nervous chatter,
The awkward adjustment
To his bracelet,
And find him looking back at me
Makes me feel
Alive and present again.

His brief sigh
As the customers all fan out around the bar
Before he launches
Into his traditional speech,
And see him looking at me
Without the same fallacy,
The same false
Is an exhale
After holding your breath
Underwater for too long.

To see his body in the night,
To not have to worry
About who else is seeing it,
To just let it be
An art piece on display
For whoever he welcomes,
Me included,
Is so worry free
And calming.

His silver hair
Catches the lowlight.
My youthful skin
Only just of drinking age
Glowing in the night,
And I know
I shouldn’t look at him
The way I do,
But he looks like life.
Like vibrant
And I thirst for it.
I want his liveliness
To flow through my veins.
I want to wear his smile
On my neck,
Between my *******,
Or my legs...

“It makes me so mad,
Because you’re giving into the daddy issues stereotype.”

It makes me so satisfied,
To just exist
Without consequence.
 Jul 2019 SassyJ
Of chancellery
Egyptian charm
Rosetta stone
Within his arms
He never thought
He'd do her harm
He kept her safe
His special cairn.

Upon his altar she was set
Phylactery, his amulet
Tears of gratitude he wept
For such a prize
As what he kept

But though she had
The center stage
All the time
She fumed with rage
He was a fool
She was a sage
So he kept her
In a cage.

Then one day
Whilst fool was sleeping
At her feet while
She was weeping
She spied a weapon
He was keeping
He had sowed...
... now he was reaping!

A candlestick
Of leaded weight
She reached out
Of the cage's gate
Though she was
In prisoner's state
She knocked it off
And sealed his fate!

This was not wisdom
To break his bone.
For she was then
Quite well alone
Yes... she'd put him
In his tomb
But, caged, she had then

Sealed her own
Be careful what you make an idol...

Sorry I haven't been around. I don't write poetry so much anymore. I'm working as an artist now. Thanks for understanding.
 Jul 2019 SassyJ
Pardon the way
that I stare!
reading your ink
leaves me weak
leading me strong
and bare
wanting to read yours dear
can't take my finger
off this cell mirror
keyboard cyberg

My words expressing
my hells
my paradise lands
all gone
madness is not an option to claim

courage and patience
are winning clues
others a must!
Going mis-understood isn't with the great sages reading this;

it's with cold
and timid souls,
knowng neither triumph nor defeat.

Poets across the globe
write much this way
and thrive
Our honorable metaphors
living in interesting times
poetic writers
all tuned in
diverse minds global united we are!

One single thought
our minds become
One single beat
our hearts sing
a tune

Here at Hello poetry
honorable metaphors
with likes and loves
heart throbbing poems
linking us all
at once
from Hello Poetry
across the globe
so that we may
linger on
By: Karijinbba
revised 01/2020.
Revised 07-20/20.
Thanks for reading even if you don't comment like or love. Stay blessed please pray for one another no harm in praying is there!?
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