Our love is a friendship that caught fire,
It’s sharing and confident,
It shares loyalty through the bad,
And the good times.
It allows less than perfection,
But makes allowance to human weakness.
Our love can’t be seen or measured,
However its strong enough to change me in a moment,
Offers us more joy than any material possession could.
Our hearts see what's invisible to the eye.
Love doesn’t make the world go round,
But it's what makes my ride worthwhile.
This is easily,
The most beautiful,
And the best thing in the world.
Like I said it can’t be seen,
Or even touched!
It can simply be felt by the heart.
Love is to love someone for who they are,
Who they were,
Who they are going to be.
To love and be loved is everything.
I love you J.J.L.
I've been putting thought to how my life is with my lover, and honestly its amazing. Despite my flaws and the risk in the career I want, you still look at me with the same love as when I first met you.