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 May 2015 Sadah H
I Remember
 May 2015 Sadah H
I remember the darkness before the flames
Remember when death called your name
So strange, we were all so young then

I remember you saying, the shadow was cast
Remember laughing, I’ll have your girl when you pass
So strange, it didn’t last

I remember the dead, the screaming eyes
Remember till I die
So strange, I never asked why

I remember thinking, never again
Remember going straight back in
So strange, had to win

I remember going out drinking with friends
Remember them asking me to explain
So strange, I never saw them again

I remember going over the hill
Remember the kills
So strange, no glory, such a bitter pill

I remember when I knew it was over
Remember how I didn’t die
So strange, why

I remember the day I walked away
Remember looking back
So strange, felt like yesterday.
Oh the weight of unrealized love,
The sun that pulls the heart,
The gravity that holds us under,
The rain that floods from eyes,
Only to fall on shores,
Returning us in thoughts,
To the start of love.

My heart runs the similar path of earth,
To escape from hands of light,
Only to find memories of moons,
Shimmering in waters of nights,
On oceans of eyes.

Colored dark but strangely calm,
Our restless waves of thoughts.
Conformed to matter not.
A loveless existence of breathless space,
And purposeless dimensions.
Love is something that can't be emphasized so easily !
Love is not where limits is there
Universe is limitless
Go through this
I hope you enjoy !!!!
 May 2015 Sadah H
Marge Redelicia
in this world that keeps spinning
too fast, i keep
on forgetting how to stand on my feet.
the cold concrete always kissing
my bruised knees.

in this world that keeps fading
ever so slightly, i can't
even notice
the bright and brilliant of today
become the black holes of tomorrow.

in this world that keep leaving
things behind: no turning back,
not even a glance.
how do you even
make them stay in place?

in this world that keeps changing

the only One that stays the same.

through whatever
storm or quake.
relentlessly unrelenting.
Master of time:
every era, every age.
forever faithful.

here to stay.

— The End —