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 May 2015 Sadah H

Come let’s follow the path
to a heart beat in blossom
Dance in the streets
of a new foreign town

Drink to the evening
with moon beams now swaying
Under the stars
when there’s no one around

Singing a song
to a melody’s whimper
Sigh on the eve
of our first kiss delight

Walk hand in hand
down the road to forever
Sit by the ocean
be one with the night

Cling to a dream
we’ll relive in the morning
Capture the breeze
that does tickle your hair

Swim in the love
that now washes our bodies
Find everyday
*is a new one to share
 May 2015 Sadah H
I'll Wait
 May 2015 Sadah H
I'll wait for you forever
till stars forget to shine,
and oceans become puddles,
words no longer rhyme

Till deserts turn to gardens
where flowers go to bloom,
the grass is red, the skies are green,
the dawn brings out the moon

Till rain is something very dry
and butterflies drive trucks,
when every pond is chocolate sauce
with candy coated ducks

Till basements have a penthouse view
with windows three floors high
and stairways are a place to swim
no matter how you fly

Till mountains are a level path
that you will go to walk
and silence now becomes a way
for every one to talk

Till everything we've ever known
is gone and disappeared
The world does end, there's nothing more
just like we always feared

Till broken hearts are happy,
tears a welcome site
Night comes at the break of day
and daytime looks like night

I'll wait for you forever
until the end of time
It matters not how long it takes
if I can call you mine
 May 2015 Sadah H
Janine Sleiman
I used to love this chapter
A part of my favorite book
I showed you it
And you began to love it too
We kept re-reading this chapter
At first it was so amazing
But as the pages turned
The story took a turn
To a different path
And you got tired,
And left me.
You stopped coming
Back each time
But I was still stuck in the chapter
Wondering why
Why it changed
Why you suddenly got bored
But now I understand
It gets tedious same thing each time
So burn the pages
And tear us apart
Our chapter had ended
With no intention of a happy ending.
 May 2015 Sadah H
Edgar Allan Poe
Helen, thy beauty is to me
  Like those Nicean barks of yore,
That gently, o’er a perfumed sea,
  The weary, wayworn wanderer bore
  To his own native shore.

On desperate seas long wont to roam,
  Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face,
Thy Naiad airs have brought me home
  To the glory that was Greece,
To the grandeur that was Rome.

Lo! in yon brilliant window niche,
  How statue-like I see thee stand,
  The agate lamp within thy hand!
Ah, Psyche, from the regions which
  Are Holy Land!
Give every spoken word,
Oh, listener,
A work-space in your mind.
Even if it's misinterpreted
No harm is sprouted.
Allot double the space
If and when it's written.
Knowing my limits I realize,
I am not a machine!
I picked up a few words
Fitting to my emotional grooves
Mirroring my love,pangs,pain and bliss
Who knows from which end and
Who starts reading
The bits already rhyming
Submitted to the scripted Gods
Presenting you, this poem.
 May 2015 Sadah H
Trapped inside my body
prisoner of my mind
tired of relying on healing
on someone else's time
Truth is I can't breathe without love
So I will hold my breath
and the next time someone looks for me
I'll just play dead
but if they're wise they'll see me
see that light underneath my skin
they'll love themselves to my door
force me to let them in
I'll already be packed up
and prepared for whatever
when they decide to leave
we'll vacate this place together
thats why I never hang a picture
never set the time on my clocks
the arrival is all I want to remember
when time stops
I want out of this place
of pain, disappointment and hurt
I know my home is no longer here on this earth
Orphan to reality
foster child of its thoughts
doing never what I'm told
refusing to learn what I've been taught
I will keep to the course
Remain a spirit thats free
For I am, from the Great I am
& all I can be is me
Pain Heartache Heartbreak Change Survival Self Life
The sun was bleeding red rivers into the sky,
Whilst the sea calm, rose glass, brushed the sand.
And on my back the rock sat, heavy and cold.
My cursed friend, whose weight encumbers me.
Distant memories wash in with the tide
Curling tendrils of days long gone through the rivulets
Of my mind, in the days before I knew the rock.
But they ebb into the distance as the shoreline recedes,
Then slowly creep back in once more with shallow stealth.
I try to grasp hold, to retain the memory pre-rock,
But it is like trying to grasp grains of sand between your fingers,
It flows back into the golden blanket without identity.
And as I sit on the infinite beach of my dreams,
I stroke tenderly my rock, massaging the granite that clings,
Knowing its suffering is mine to bear alone,
And as the sun dips its head into the sea and the stars
Flicker a million greetings to me,
I head for home with my rock and my life lived.
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