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Sacrelicious May 2012
Can't catch me in

I be
honey bee.

Or maybe

The Prince Of Darkness,
just watered down.

You know.
with glitter.

Sulking in the

Going to bed at
Waking up at

I'm runnin'
******'s time
these days.
Sacrelicious Jul 2012

This is all life,
to give.

So why
should we


Whatever it takes to get you through this.
Or take a bullet in the brain,
with a big ******' smile.
Sacrelicious Apr 2012
Here because your mind kidnapped you from your brain.
Watch my soul walk right out of my shell.
The real-life
flesh prison.
Something to love and Something to hate.
Use it and abuse it.
And one Morning, you can "realize" that you really cared.
Time is nothing.
You're always the same.

Dead and Gone?
No, never gone,
Just kicking it on the bright side of life.
If i could remember.
I would find a way
to build a makeshift hallucination of your voice.

A fires burning out
& leaving nothing more than a handful of
You've lost everything.
Ashes to sand,
You've made something out of Nothing.
One day.
Some day, is always a nice thought.

You can't cry forever.
You'll run out of tears and
it won't hurt as bad as it did at first.

I thought I wanted revenge.
I guess,
I wanted closure.
Turning the page and starting a new chapter.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
Saturday Night.

I have no need to explain myself,
I am what you created.
As the artist who painted this canvas,
you especially should understand
the portrait I call myself.
If you find me to be a disappointment,
it’s your own **** fault.
I catch myself forgetting the
little things about you,
My puzzle is left unfinished.
Secretly, I believe
that I am somewhere in the middle of
Just waiting until
I get the courage to close my eyes
and take the escalator
up and away from
Void's emptiness.
Into the heightened arms of Love.
Catch me, if I fall.

Sunday Morning

Time flies by
and I'm still here lost without you.
I am someone that
came from nothing at all.

All i can remember from that night
running home to the Sun.

I found myself passed out beside a toilet.
I got a hangover and fresh start.
Sacrelicious Jun 2012
I'm a lil'
annoying canary.

the chatter.

Coming from the cat,
sitting on
your other shoulder.
Sacrelicious Aug 2013
Sands slyly slipping  
through the hour glass and
Time's moving on.
A lot
faster than
Try to remember the sound of your voice.
But it never works.
Memories serve no purpose
if you cannot tell
what's real and what's pretend.
Sacrelicious Sep 2019
If my mind could
stop only for a moment.
To catch its breath.

I don't think this
would be so hard.
Breathing in water has never looked so fun.

But I digress.
For I am just at a crossroads waiting to get my guitar tuned.

In the wrong place.
At the right time.
The wheel of misfortune has changed its course.
Sacrelicious May 2019
But if only
for a moment of time.
You could take a walk inside my heart.
To gaze upon the feelings I've been conjuring up for you.
Sacrelicious May 2017
I really only think of you.
When I'm drunk.
choked out by strangers.

A working boys story:
missing home.

Is like missing
razor blade kisses.

Drawing lines.
Parallel to my opaque veins.
A translucent transient.
Im serious about my crazy.
Don't play with demons ;
if you can't handle the Devil
Sacrelicious Apr 2012
The world
is full
of *****.
**** fight them
right back
your concealed confidence weapons.
There is a difference
Cocky & Confident.
Know it, live it, spread it.
Cause we're all beautiful
just no one ever says it
& Every now and then we need reassurance.
You're beautiful & I love you.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
Don't let their condecending, backstabbing, whispers
blow out your candle- lit heart.
For in the darkness even the strong willed,
will fall to their knees to **** on the worlds ****.
So when life happens and you're just a good person thrown in the crossfire of a war you didn't want.
Are you going to swallow and make peace
are you going to spit and fight back?

Money rules the world. I rule my mind.

We're all diamonds just some of us are in the rough. Wrong place at the wrong time.
Sacrelicious May 2012
Stripping myself
down to nothing.

So I can look
like all them other
***** do.

Pixilated to perfection.

my never-ending nightmare.
Bringing myself down,
so I can go down onto them?


Uhhhh I mean,
right before they
lay down
on their

on a giant silver platter.
They're the main course, after all.
Funny, cause this pack of wolves.
Don’t even like *****.
But they're munching on something.

More of them.

You're not the only one.
The rest of us are still clownin' in the closet.  

Play the chess-chest game.
Cause you have to.
Cut off the Queens head.
Purple looks better on you
Sacrelicious Apr 2012
We are the rulers of all we see, because our eyes created everything.
Because the mind rules the body,
the only thing one can own is their self .

Looking through Future's window
will only bring visions of despair.

Our hearts reject natural beauty for manufactured looks.

Empathetic people are the one's who get thrown under the bus
when traffic gets bad.
Fighting back hurts too much.
I couldn't replicate the pain you put me through, and throw it in your face.
Recovery prepares you for the battle,
to be the bigger person.

When you left earth,
you left me behind.
You said the ship only had one more seat
and my rocket will come when I'm ready.
I told you I didn't want this hell.
You apologized and walked into the bright white lights.
In old age,
I'll ask you to keep your apologies.
Because I have enough of my own.

Another relapse.
October nights will always be cold with out your fire.
Living harmoniously through all the pain will only bring you recovery.

She's got a cocktail personality and I need a quick fix.
I'll be at the bar.

An idea can save a life.
If everybody could get together to think of ways to mend what has been broken.
The world would be saved.
Feed your minds and let your thoughts grow.
You'll be the bigger person in the long run.
Sacrelicious Jul 2015
I could keep ignoring the facts.
Disregard, every red flag you
wave in front of my face.
Only to pretend things are alright
until I go off the edge.
But doesn't that seem obnoxious?
I'd rather be alone.
Sacrelicious Apr 2012
In vain,
we all act like
we're the center of the universe.
A cheap trick,
for a poor soul to postpone
the underlying
truth that your
parents cared
more about what was on t.v,
than what you did at school Today.
Stop trying
to cover-up.
Sacrelicious Jun 2012
Well ****.
It's like I fell into this web.
A ****** and crawled out of it
a ****.
Funny how things go.

Let's flip this table.
Lemme just flip you off real quick.  
Cause this time,
I'll be walking right
the web.

Walking all over your little
punch yourself in the ****.
you can feel something real.
For once.


You can't fool
me anymore.
I invented twank trickery.
*****, you can just call me
Bandit now.
Sacrelicious Jun 2012
In the moment.
In the money.

Cash speaks for itself.
If you have enough of it.

One gun, $600.
A round of bullets. $6.
Knowing that you have
a six-shot round.

enough money,
to get you
out of any kind of legal troubles.

Choose Visa.
Killah, it's your vice.
Sacrelicious Jul 2012
Hunt her down.

Find the witch and burn her like
wicker does by match strike.
If she lives.

Throw her in the lake
and see if she floats.

Praise be, to the unholy Father.
Burn every bridge he ever built.
If it means he'll never reach the surface.
Drown her right out
of his mind.
Delusions light the free world.
Sacrelicious Apr 2012
If you have ever felt 
like you're 
ready to just give up.
Cause the game
you're playing in
is full of cheaters.
Full of liars.
Full of false hopes.
&You; know you're never going to make it
out alone.
Welcome to the Love Cult.
We're underdogs too.
Sacrelicious May 2015
Hallucinations of a dream, waiting to be lived.
Searching for your soul but I feel it's no longer here.
As I look into those empty, lonely eyes.
A part of me is dying to be with the person you once were.
They say,  it's  hard to love someone who doesn't love you.
But sometimes you've got to tango with the demons, to make it through the calendar.
If you really knew me. #hearts #secrets
Sacrelicious Mar 2012

When I saw you with that cheap *****

I wanted to throw you out the door

No I couldn’t do that

I could never do that

With me it’s all or nothing

I’m taking all leaving you with nothing!

Standing behind you in the silence of the night,

I watch you cower in fright.

It’s not the size of my gun

That is making you run.

But your guilt for what you’ve done

And soon enough you will be carried on

A death without clothes

Shameless and lacking ***** hose

I will have you at your core

A selfish manipulative *****

Lacking a heart,

And lacking a soul.

I’m preparing the hole

That will be your home

You’ll be alone,

To rot until you’re nothing but bone.

And in vain

I will covet my pain

And spit on your grave

As I finish covering your earthen cave.
Sacrelicious Jul 2012
We tried,
so hard.

than I ever thought
would have.

Romantic fantasies.
Pine box nightmares.
My brains,
scattered across the ***** floor.

Covered in y-our blood.

It's everywhere.

Tragedy, was your last name.
******, was your first name.

I played the part of Victim.
Very well.

Did you get a *******, when you heard me scream.
As you dug the knife into my back
over again.

I'll see you in hell.
Sacrelicious Aug 2015
The crucifixion of my heart.
At the hands of the Cinderella complex.
An empire in which I do not have a home.
Unwelcome and unwanted.
My Prince Charming,
is nothing more than a nice thought.
Sacrelicious Jun 2012
Buried beneath
a broken home.
Day dreaming
of ****
that's long gone
to the darkest ditch.

I miss you.

Hell just isn't any fun, when the Devil's not at home.
Sacrelicious Apr 2012
I deep throated
a rosary once,
I could feel
closer to

After that,
I went
to his
"friends" house
Sunday Morning Mass
I went up in-flames.
I'm just

I'm just
Black haired
Sacrelicious Jul 2012
Inherited family curses.
Selling my soul,
away to
earn entrance into the womb.

Months of sleepless nights.
For my Mother as she tossed & turned
in agonizing pain.

All for her little Demon.

Done crawled out
6 days late and backwards.

Vomiting tar,
screaming curses.

Some mistakes are better left
unspoken, unseen and unheard.

I was born
under a starless sky.

Darkness is all,
I know.

Until I can
spread my decayed,
skeleton wings
descend down.

To the City of Fire.

I will be all black,
nothing more.


Oh Father,
would be proud.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
When good people die they become Angels.
When bad people die they become Demons.
The Devil made me slit my wrists,
so when I'm on my way out.
I'll make sure to
Are you going to do the same,
or are you going to keep
Sacrelicious Jan 2017
Depression is living in a snow globe.
Trapped within the glass like a prisoner.
Staring at the world before you.
As you brace for the storm to hit.
Sacrelicious Jul 2012
A night on the town.
you'll dine in hell.

Lucy & her court of Demons.

We have our
famous, lethal
arsenic brimstone martini
on special, Tonight.
Oh High, I'm Bandit,
I'll be serving you,
to the Beast this evening.
Sacrelicious Jul 2012
Being on dirt's level
looks nice
when you're
six feet under.

I just want to break even.
Or break your fingers.

Whatever the Lord,
let's me do.

I'm hoping he's feeling vengeful today,
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
Taken from my daily journal in my senior year.
The first part is in Forget me not, even in my final days.

January 1st: The new year will bring many failures and many triumphs. The level of these battles is unknown
January 2nd: I will shed my skin and be free of all my worries.
January 3rd: The warmth of the sun is your distant touch.
January 4th: To rid yourself of the evil people who poison your mind with their sharp words and snake like tongues.
January 5th: I am not God. I am sorry, I can not save you.
January 6th: She was the ocean on a calm summer's night. The tides which were her thoughts came to her slowly, but never failed to come.
January 7th: I am only worried when you're around me.
January 8th: My life sentence is almost over.
January 9Th: To my loved ones,
I am what you want me to be
When you want to be sad
I will be
When you want me to be mad
I will be
I will only be lonely
If you leave me
January 10th: You can not get to me if I am sleeping.
January 11th: To anyone who has ever hurt me,
Thank you for helping me become the man I am today.
Thank you for every feeling
Every tear
And every scar
You gave me.
January 12th: We are all complex animals, nothing more and nothing less.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
January 16th: I am running in circles.
January 17th: Reality is just a figment of one's vivid imagination.
January 18th: The exit of the co2 from my lungs, to my mouth, and then the atmosphere. Expand and contract my brain. Expanding is new found knowledge and contracting is the loss of knowledge. Thus, my intelegence is relative to the amount of gasses in my brain.
January 19th: Secretly, you control me.
January 20th: Over the next two hours, you slowly drift back to reality. The once sea bound boat is approaching land and, with each passing wave, you are coming closer to sobriety.
January 21st: What is this love you speak of?  
January 22nd: A numbing sensation has paralyzed my arms. I can feel a million little creatures with in me. While they crawl beneath my skin, they leave their path of serenity. The ecstasy, that races to my heart. To touch my blood with a soft kiss and slowly warm my frozen body.
January 23rd: We will be forever hoping, forever wishing, and forever praying to find love. A feeling our primitive minds will never understand. In this age love will never be found because the passion that created us, has left this world.  
January 24th: Sometimes I feel like:
I am exiled by my own people, searching for another lost soul in this desecrated world. The only remnants I have of people are the skeletons of wanderers from long ago. Each lonely corpse I see I become more and more afraid. In fear, I run through this land of broken dreams. I am running in circles. I am lost. Back to where I began my quest I realize this land is hell and I am alone. In time I will soon become another lost soul. My desire to leave this place motivates me to keep walking. This keeps me sane. In the distance I see a figure shinning through my haze of hopelessness. Is this a hallucination? Or am I not alone in this world?
January 25th: Sights are sounds and sounds are sights.
January 26th: I am falling to apart trying to fix your broken heart.
January 27th: **** and be ******.
January 27th: The warmth of a fire can warm the coldest of hearts.
January 28th: In the rain, I carry no disguises.
January 29th - January 31st: I am relapsing
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
February 1st: I am a simple variable in your experiment of life.
February 2nd: Contrary to your belief, I am capable.
February 2nd: The muscles in my hand, arm, and fingers simultaneously work together to create a story. Each letter has a meaning and word a purpose. I write to explain myself. To show people by my examples and introspective thoughts who I am. In turn answering the question of what has shaped me into the person I am today. My words paint a picture of my spirit and soul. Of good and evil and from start to finish, I will record every aspect of my forever changing ideas and life itself. Every smile and every tear, every cut and every ****, each day will be documented.  
February 3rd: We can never expect ourselves to accept the big differences between others, if we can’t accept the little differences of ourselves.
February 3rd: I’ve come to realize that we’re all ******. Good or evil, our fate is universal. The hands we eat, ****, and fornicate with has no impact on where our souls will rest.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
When you're normally
an idiot magnet,
Bur for some
malfunctional blessing
you're attracting something
that is positive
ditch the downers
and go get high.
Turkey tastes
better cold,
I like to quit cold turkey.
I just worked a nine hour shift too.
The human mind
is such a powerful tool.
I don't understand why people are so stupid.
We all have minds, right?
Sacrelicious Jul 2012
burns in hell.

dragged down
to the bottom
of the abyss.

Guess I'll just start....

dollar store
love potions.

Only to get a stomach ache.

Those **** butterflies.
They've done it again.

Sacrelicious Sep 2012
As I rise from the
grave, you
left me in.

Revenge is the
beat of my heartless

Acting without compassion.
In a sick sense.
I think, I'm stronger than before.

Playing the role, perfectly.
I will be the medium
for all the hearts you broke.

& I'll plead insanity when the performance is over.
Sacrelicious Apr 2012
Like lightning
or invisible light.
Faster than a bullet
shot from an angry pistol's mouth.
I could cry,
for all eternity.
But that won't get me anywhere.
I've got
places to be & People to see.
I may have spent the night with you
my morning will start without you.
Sacrelicious Feb 2015
As I'm running through my dreams of you.
I see the story on repeat.
A burden lurking in the depths of my soul.
Longing for the life unlived, longing for paradise.
If they were ready.
If you were ready, when I was.
Sacrelicious May 2012
Life exists!
On the other side
Of the drive-thru window.

If you can
look both ways,
you cross
the border.

You could
just be a
racing along
the highway to hell.

Diving a pick-up
with black
angel wings
painted on
the back.

To Trend-Set.
Just Jet.


with the sun
Out of the ashes,
you once called your own.
Sacrelicious Apr 2012
To the

There­ isn't a
that will
race you
to my bed room.
I don't endorse

But if you
can drive
twenty five.
There is
a road
that will
get you there
Sacrelicious Jul 2012
The Goods kick it
on Easy Street.

One day,
I'll be a little less
Some day,
we'll be a little,

There's a calm before the storm.

But Katrina, never gave fair warning.

Be prepared.

all the angels
feel a lil' bit

She misses

Sacrelicious Jan 20
I'll be rocking out in obscurity.
After all, eccentric
is just the polite way
to call somebody crazy.
Ambivalence is man's best friend.
Because nothing really matters.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
Electrical Ghosts.
I'm glad that you
didn't have to fade
out of life
on support.
I feel sorry,
for all the new technologic ghosts.
Electrically wired into a circuit board of uncertainty and doubt.
That represent you in a series of
down lines
that pace about
the pixilated to pharmaceutical perfection,
screened monitor
above your hospitol bed.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
I had to write a process analysis paper for my adv. comp class Senior year.
My topic was an acid trip. Hope you enjoy.

Bored with the various street drugs that you take daily to achieve a mediocre high, you long for something new. You're striving to reach enlightenment, mental clarity, and an escape from your worldly woes. By chance or fate, you come across a man selling what he claims to be the best of all drugs: LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide-25, better known as acid. This appears to be the only way your mind and, in turn, your soul will experience the mysterious and desirable acid trip.
Upon impulse, you purchase the drug. This was saturated in a piece of newspaper. As you survey your ticket to mental bliss, you read the words on the small paper. The sentences of the article were cut to meet the spacial requirements of the acid. This made the paper difficult to read. Deep within the mess of incomplete thoughts and ideas, your eyes cross paths with the word peace. The simple but powerful word that was camouflaged in the unfinished article increased your desire to take the LSD. The "peace" was your chance to free your mind and consequently yourself.
Giving into impulse, you place the paper under your tongue. Like the words on the paper, the acid dissolves into your glands entering your body with aspirations of arriving upon your brain. Moments later, you feel nothing. You were expecting the drug to work immediately upon contact. This was far too big of an expectation. LSD like many other medications needs time before it comes to life. Disappointed, you retreat to your living room to watch a film on the television. As you sit in the dark, ruby red chair, your only thoughts are about acid.
An hour later you feel nauseous. Racing to the bathroom it starts to hit you. The porcelain toilet and clear water within is your muse. With each heave, you notice a minor change in your mind. When finished with vomiting, you realize your stomach is empty. You try to think of something to eat but your stomach has no desire to take anything.
The mirror catches your attention and there you stand staring at yourself. While gazing upon yourself, you notice your pupils have dilated. The large black circles that were once small now resemble the largest craters on the moon's surface. During this moment of time, your vision is misty. Every shape has a fog surrounding it.
When your hand reaches the forehead, the temperature of your skin burns it. As your hand rests there longer, your fingers are cooled by little drops of sweat that slowly flow down your forehead in an effort to cool your body. You conclude that the fever has created the sweat that is secreting from your body. The moisture from the evaporating liquid has created a misty air. This realization leads you to believe that the acid was beginning to take control.
An immense thirst has dried your throat and mouth. Like a desert they both need water. You have this newfound energy and possess the amount of adrenaline that can keep you up for days. You feel invulnerable and this is the healing hour for the body and soul. As the second hour of your experience comes to a close you have covered a lot of ground. You have gone from having control to no control. The acid has changed you. The man you were two hours ago was in a different dimension. In this dimension you are a new and different man.
The third hour has brought the acid to its maximum power. Your high is peaking. The visions you see and the sounds you hear paint beautiful hallucinations. They feel sensational and bring waves of shivers up and down your spine. The television screen looks like a portal to a new world, and the sounds it makes sound like greetings in a foreign language. Your eyes close and you open them immediately. Realizing this is not a dream, a state of confusion fogs your mind. Despite reality, every thought and action feels dreamlike.
Contemplating the situation, you ask yourself if this is normal. Cackling, you scream, “Normal does not exist. Normality is simply an impossible goal that has plagued society since the beginning of time." The once well known actions and thoughts that molded you were strange and unknown. This was the point of no return. You would never go back to the past. Normal process occurs no longer this far into an acid trip.
You feel groovy. Everything is fine. Your face is frozen in the shape of a smile. Nothing can take you down. The serotonin in your brain has been altered, making every moment feel good. Still staring at the screen, you see a tiny man waving at you. The physical greeting he gives you carries the sound of a hello. When he opens his mouth you see what he says. Each word is portrayed by a symbol in an unclear language. The symbols hypnotize you and give you comfort. The mind without acid would see nothing in the hypnotic symbols. But the symbols converse with you. Your sensations have now crossed over. Sights have turned to sounds, and sounds to sights.
Matter is glowing with a faint rainbow that lies on each objects surface. The fourth hour of your high is ending, the man in the television is becoming harder and harder to see. Like your high, the man is leaving. Over the next two hours, you slowly drift back to reality. The once sea bound boat is approaching land and, with each passing wave, you are coming closer to sobriety.
The loud song of the cuckoo clock has marked the sixth hour. LSD no longer controls you. You are a different man but in the same respect, the same. At your command you gave yourself to a higher power, one that intensified your emotions and took you back to man's primitive mind set. Drained from the crusade, you turn off the television to rest in the quiet. The sun is leaving with your energy. A cool breeze travels through the room which carries you to sleep.
Sacrelicious May 2012
& There he was,
everybody's fool
in mid April.

Half-way to May.
Caught in a Day-dream.
Dreaming of the porch
his baby basket
should have been dumped on.

livin' a life of
love-lost lustful lies.

The dark prince,
is just another servant.
Until the day
his father dies
and the horned/thorn-ed crown
is handed down.

To the next heir
standing in
the 69 blood line.

It's a classic!
An All-American.
Trust fund-****-story.

Staring, a little black cloud.
That spent more time,


up on the family's thrown.

So he sulked up
until he grew up.

he was too foolish,
& tiny
to sit-in or fit-it.

At first, of course.
Sacrelicious Jun 2012
Each slow-alone-second
will bring me closer,
to the darkness.

Closer to the sun.
Closer, to my roots.
Or to something. Good.

When it sets.
I too, will blend
with the darkness.

****, will look
little better.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
Some of us have twins,
most of us have split personalities.
Have you met Bandit yet?
Our lives aren't measured in years,
they're measured in our victories.
So take your blades and spill some blood.
It's a dog eat dog world.
If you play The King Of Hearts,
every hand in life
it will only get you,
cut, burned and thrown to the curb.
Used, depleted, robed of every thing you can lose.
It's **** without *******.
I'm done, like a cashed bowl.
This hand I'm playing The Ace Of Spades.
Revenge stings like a bee and
like you said I have anger issues.

I'm drawing again.
I'm learning a new technique.
Sketching you out,
Sacrelicious Jul 2012
Lost at
all the broken home kids
sail far, far away.

Making up  
Cause the real ones are better left

I just want someone,
to grab my hand & tell me,
I'm beautiful.

We all need a reminder
of our value.
Every now and then.
Feeling worthless is a popular trend.
Sacrelicious Apr 2012
tear storms,
weathered my
heart down

My deepest-dream-wall

It done
cracked a leak
flooded my heart.

I think about you.
I just go blank.

I can't
fake a smile & pretend to care,
I'm drowning
in the
heart-ache ocean.

So I'm not even trying anymore.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
If God,
really wanted
his creations to
be hidden,
in the closet.
He wouldn't have
put a door **** on
the closet door,
in the first place.
Open up your mind and,
construct your
turn the
door ****.
Say a prayer
Then strut the **** out
of the darkness
the technicolor love
I may be a
prissy princess
but underneath
all the
gay, goth, glam
are big
******* steel *****.
**** me,
I'm easy.
Just kidding,
I'm infamous.
god <3's gay people.

religions h8.
not god.
god = love
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