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 Apr 2016 Ricky Parker
He isn't the moon,
But its sultry glow

He isn't the sun,
But its shine

He isn't the clock,
But its time

He isn't the hands,
But the holding

He isn't the poem,
But its rhyme

He isn't love,
But my heart
I’m still in awe at* the fact
that I can stand straight,
I can’t tell if I’m mindless
or spineless, whenever I’m
asked to leave, I leave
I never slam the door,
when I’m asked to come back
I drop what I’m doing and knock,
the door isn’t always answered
and that’s what picks away
at my backbone,
I stay planted
on the same doormat I’ve
tainted with leaving footprints,
steadfast shinsplints are nails on
I keep running,
but you know I’ll be back,
keep that doormat clean.
 Apr 2016 Ricky Parker
It's in the act of
Unlocking the front door
Leaving the chill of the outside
For the warmth of home

It's in the dog that comes
Snuffling happily at your feet
The cat that pads up quietly
Reluctantly curling around your ankles

It's in the bowl that sits
Still warm in the microwave
And the accompanying note
Wrapped around the spoon

It's in the moment
Of stepping into the shower
And letting the hot spray
Wash the day's grime and cares off

It's coming home to you
Snoring under the covers
Smelling like soap and sleep
As you wake up a little
To tug me closer and kiss me goodnight
 Apr 2016 Ricky Parker
Instead of sending, I burnt all the letters I have written for you
Thinking that what I wrote there will turn into ashes too
Wishing that my feelings will disappear into the scorching flame
But the fire betrays me, as the letters are burning, I am burning too
It becomes worse and it only doubles the pain
How can I burn those memories without burning myself too?
I was burning too...
 Jan 2016 Ricky Parker
I want to yell and scream
scream at the top of my lungs
so the whole world knows
what you did, how you hurt me

I want to hit and kick
give you a black eye
so you will know
know the pain I feel

I want to stop loving you
not care anymore
so that maybe you can stop
stop breaking my heart

I don't feel hate though
my lungs won't scream
my fists won't clinch
because even after all this
**I still love you
Returning with saddened hopes
Brutally realized
That it was me. One-sided.
Unfortunate mistaken kindness
For something deeper.
Like the withered and dried
Pressed petals you gave me
Once fragrant now fragile;
Simply lost in memory.
The collection preserved
Between salt water stained pages
Of handwritten poems never shared
Composed in sleepless moments
On sand underneath
Weeping palm trees.
Copyright 2016 Rebecca Gondek
You got me
After everything I'd been through
I wasn't a fan
I absolutely did not like that

I wasn't happy about being happy
If that makes any ****** sense
But I wasn't

You had a certain way about you
That I couldn't ignore
No matter how hard I tried

The way you smiled
And how I would just see you being happy
Left me in a spot
That I couldn't escape
No matter how hard I wanted to or tried

I still don't like it
Because you have my heart
I am not okay with that
Even if I trust you
It doesn't make it okay

We're all weirdos
And subject to reality
No one can change
How you make me feel
When we are around each other

I worry though
That if it doesn't work out
I will never find someone else
That I share this same connection with

And I'm tired of saying this
that my struggles will never know no end
oh, the mountainous heights to overcome
though my fears of falling may wish my descent
the higher breeze carries your delightful hum

every inhale reminds me of what I know
even if my hands and feet do tremble
regardless of where my path may go
what awaits is monumental

well what I've gained is more than what I have lost
or rather what I will lose
what I've risked I know is for a nobler cause
in you, I see the proof

to live and have not loved, I wish not of
for it is the grandest of adventures
Although your walls reach the stars up above
the highest walls guard the most splendid treasures

when I reach the top, for you, I'll bring back the stars
though it can never capture your whole essence
trace out all the risks and all of the scars
just to be in your

I can't wait.
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