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Xaela San Feb 2019
In the past

she only sees

him as a friend

Now she started

to notice him

in a different way.
Friends into romantic interest
Xaela San Feb 2019
If I were to be the "person"

I've always wanted

Would I be happy and contented

Like I hope to?
It's a dilemma
Xaela San Jan 2019
Looking at the left

Looking at the right

I am of need of distractions

A distraction to put distance

To my distorted mind.
I need distractions to avert myself from stresssss
Xaela San Jan 2019
This is not love
this is just hunger
there's no "butterflies"
causing rampage
in my stomach
when you're near

This is not love
I just see you
making your
image stay
in my every
brain cell

This is not love
When even the
simplest action
or the smallest
things somehow
reminds me of you

This is not love
as my hand
holds a pen
and write poems
about you
in every pages
of my notebook

This is not love
as my heart beats
faster than the rhythm
of your breath
when you call
my name

This is not love
as I avert my eyes
on you
when you looked
at me
I'm just afraid
You'll see my

This is not love
I just like the way
You put a smile emoji
In every text messages
You sent to me

This is not love
I just like the feeling
when your hand
will intertwine
with mine

Tell me
This is not love, is it?
Xaela San Jan 2019
What if I die tomorrow?
What if I die now?

What if it was the truth?
What if it was a lie?

What if (s)he is the one?
What if (s)he is not the one?

What if I go right?
What if I go left?

What if.....?
What if..?
What if.?


Such simple questions
yet a complicated realizations.
What if?
Xaela San Jan 2019
Hydrologic cycle:
It is in the raining clouds of the sky
Falling downwards like a man falling to his knees
Yet, besides the pain of hardships weighting his soul
Through the sunshine of hope and grace from heaven
He will rise to his freedom from the cracks in the ground and start over again.
I've been experimenting on the concept of  Science with poetry... Because I love science and I love poetry.... And this is the result... I hope you enjoy reading....
Xaela San Jan 2019
This bottled up
I want to throw it
to the ocean
and wait patiently
as it drift
towards him.
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