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Rob Metz Jun 2021
Chasing dreams like an adolescent need,
Feel the heat consume these city streets.
Moving forward, what is it that I see?
These summer nights that become memories.

Good times end before we see them begin,
Feel the thoughts cross of what could’ve been.
City lights shine on the glow that you know,
And you know it’s had you since way back when.

I’m not the same as I used to be,
In what I find the most comforting.
But I know the only thing I need,
You by my side on these city streets.

Shine your glow on me like moonlit beams,
Let me be your escape like a dream.
I’ll hold you tight till these stars collide,
Forever yours under city lights..
I’m not big into writing love poems, but I really like to capture the feel of moments. With this, I wanted to give it some life with an 80’s dance vibe and give the poem some rhythm.
Rob Metz Jun 2020
Can’t seem to help but wonder, the experience in failure.
How tragedy can resonate, the root of our current form.
Answer the riddles of our time, a redirection of the new.
Open minds to the cross eyed, for their vision is skewed.
Shadows dance to steal the glow, always attached to you.
Rob Metz Jun 2020
Serenity calls like a beckoning,
Shelter from the oncoming storm.
Casting shadows, low light from the sun,
Avoiding the incoming reckoning.

Swallowed by the mists surrounding me,
Blinding the world I refused to see.
One step at a time as these changes collide,
All these steps into the blind side of life.

Rewrite the stories in our favor,
Turn the horrors into a heroic fable.
Change the memory of this century,
And chisel these words down into stone.

Tall tales and lullabies bringing down the night,
Star gazing and mesmerizing every last sight.
Wandering along and waiting for a show of light.
Dancing alone in the mists of the valley tonight.

Feeling so blind when it comes to reaching out,
Expressed in these steps of a path made of doubt.
Confusion is necessary at times when the load is heavy,
The only understanding is the choices of the route.

Looking far beyond the steps that lie ahead,
Where will your tracks lead to keep this machine fed?
Swimming through consciousness as thoughts collide,
Hazily wandering in the mists of the valley tonight.
Rob Metz Sep 2019
I breathe under the moonlight,
Conjuring the daylight reminiscent.
Heed these words unsupervised,
Recognize the bound collision.

I breathe through this slumber,
Perilous these nightmares awaken.
Take hold and never let go,
Empathize this known illusion.

What we were will not replicate,
So it goes the story knows the same.
The ending to all our beginnings,
Intertwine these dreams of wild nights.

We are transparent in the shadows,
Burning bridges for a glimpse of light.
The fables we tell ourselves each day,
Fumbling through inner darkened sights.

Defiled by the closing of our night.
Rob Metz Aug 2019
This escape, the illusion within that we are profound,
Bound by desires, entirely suggestive and out of context.
The primal shift, the unquenching thirst for acceptance,
The struggle to find a peace of mind within the melancholy.

This apparent shift, from subtle cues to textbox illiteracy,
Catering to the masses, a massive reaction building.
Spiraling down, these dopamine fueled reactions transiting,
How do we escape this rabbit hole of constructed illegitimacy?

Turn your back to the crowd as hard as it may seem,
On this fueled paradox of mobilized dogma and hypocrisy.
One day you may find likeminds who speak volumes to the soul,
Free yourself from this cage, this existential identity entirely.

Escape the void, that’s created by fault lines in other’s eyes,
This crisis within, fixed with tools crafted by other’s time.
What seems to be worthwhile could be worthless in an instant,
Selective content fueling this machine of uninhibited design.

Like moths to a flame, hovering the fire that could scorch their wings,
These shadows in the sun, seeming bigger but not at all the same.
These irreverent norms guided by fallacies of ignorant beliefs,
The audience remains the same, listen to the point but leave out the tragedy.
Rob Metz Aug 2019
This decadence of American dreams, falling to pieces, unraveling at the seams.
Endless commodities of politics and lunacy, a rebranding of everything that means to be “free”.
Trapped in cages of hopelessness and rage, struggling and impoverished of bottom line wage.
A chokehold on rights with norms of hypocrisy,
this is the new wave of our nations Democracy.

Slipping through the cracks, choices condemning our rationality and all of our facts,
Thoughts and prayers, a plea bargain of despair,
settle for these words settling a lack of care.
Voices demanding action, but falling short again,
time and time we see it clearly, and lacking to win.
The golden rule broken into pieces and sold,
this is the new wave of a nation turned cold.

A juxtaposition of middle class and poverty, where the American Dream is a novelty.
Building walls to escape these faulty lies, hanging by a thread as the innocence dies.
Nobody is safe playing into rich men’s gain, a 1% holding overhead of commoner disdain.
A generation for the lost, as timed out tears commence, this is the new wave of a shattered defense.
Rob Metz Jul 2019
I’m feeling like our love is just a chalk laid outline,
What once was vibrant now just a memory.
I see our differences, too often I can tell,
Is this our love? Or emotional slavery.

I’ve been too busy climbing mountains in my life,
I thought I was on top but realized you’re the sky.
I spend all this time apologizing and I don’t know why…
Where has it gotten me, just to show I’ll never fly.

I want to fall for you into an endless escape,
But it seems I’ve been pushed down an endless staircase.
Feeling damaged and broken with words you’ve spoken,
Why do I feel like you can’t ever be replaced?

I’ve seen darkness and tragedy has seen me,
It’s shown me these broken pieces of everything.
But in the end that’s ok, I will soak pain in today,
Wear it as armor, to cover the wounds of yesterday.
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