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 Jan 2015 Pushing Daisies
I am 24 years old,
Call myself experienced,
But so novice at loving.

And now I hold no wish at loving.
My HP Poem #742
©Atul Kaushal
 Jan 2015 Pushing Daisies
JR Falk
I wanted to write a poem
And name it
"Baby Carrots"

I was going to write about
how your favorite band
was Pink Floyd,
and how I see your face
in the surface of the swimming pool
behind your house.

I was going to write about
the bus seats
with burn marks
and scratches in the vinyl
that you left in the backs.

I was going to write about
your faded red hair and
how everyone laughed,
including you.

I was going to write about
your funeral.

I was going to write about
your bedroom door
and how when I look at it
I think,
that for maybe a second,
you're sitting in there,
fixing a computer.

I was going to write about
the empty space
in the room
when everyone's together
aside from you.

I decided to let you rest.
You need your sleep.
I hope some day,
if there is some world after all of this,
I see you again.

Just in case I don't,

I wanted to write a poem.
I miss you, man.
I hope you heard everything I said in the shower.
Everything feels different. Everything's just incomplete and will never be whole again.
I don't want to fill the spaces you left.
I just want it to not feel so wrong.
In memory of Nick Marschner. 1996-2014.
I'm full of anticipation for life and everything in general,
I'd like to share some thoughts and things,
Dedicate some words to those who still believe in pursuing something of their own,
If you're talking, share your ambition,
Listen to your intuition,
But don't leave me behind,
If you make me feel welcome I'll return the favor,
If you're nice I'll be your helpful long distance neighbor,
Motivation must be be
Something other than a dilly dally.
True fear
It isn't a gun pointed to your head
Or even at your child's
Or your mother's
Or your father's
True fear
Is knowing that no matter what I do
No matter what I say
Right now
You are not in my arms
When you need most to be
Why does my mind
Talk about my body

Why does my thinking
Envy my heart

Why are my feet
Jealous of my hands

Why do my fingers
Oppose my thumb

Why is my hair
Always a mess

Why does my skin
Always gets *****

Why doesn't my ear's, eyes and nose
Never get along

Why does my conscience
Always try to tell me what to do

Why can't they all get along
Why does this have to be
The mind is powerful
It can trick you when your absolute about Something, it can overpower your strength and replace it with fear
It will talk to you or argue
It will make your feel insane, scared..
It will give you anxiety when your not worried about anything
It will make you feel like your not strong anymore
The wars in my mind are constant
The fear that overpowers my strength is a daily struggle
Fighting to keep my strength is a battle
The mind is a powerful thing and sometimes it makes you second guess how strong you know you are
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