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For the Picasso-trees as I soar by,
The blurring edges under a new sky
And feeling as though I could fly

I could just float away and drift
Or dissipate as summer mist;
Oh, what kind of existence is this?

Only content when on the run,
A craving for a different sun
To light my walk, I am one

Who is only happy while moving
Seeing, exploring, and using
Travel to convince me I’m not losing

They call it wanderlust, but
For me it’s deeper: this strange love
Of escapism, forever on and up

Will leave no hollowed out space
For me to disastrously contemplate
The oblivion echoed in my face

If I fill my days with new sights
I can ignore my night-dark eyes
And somehow sidestep the fight

To stay alive, to ignore their call;
Distraction is louder than the fall,
I am only safe in unfamiliar walls

Stand still too long and people will
Learn my darkness, the pain that fills
My heart and they will want to ****

The hollow ghost, the shadow-girl
So I keep moving around the world
For safety, will I ever learn

To be still, silent and proud
Without voices tearing me down?
Or the thought I should do it now?

So I go in search of new destinations
Lose myself in some exploration
Try to **** my mind with fascination

I’ve been here for far too long
I need to wander, let me move on
Before my soul sings its swan song

I’ve used up all the distraction here
This is the cave, the lair of fear
And my nights are filled with spiritless tears

I seek something new, some unknown;
A perhaps that could finally bring me home
Or maybe I just don’t want to be alone

So with music, and books, and trains
And friends I make just for the day
I somehow push on, the only way

I know to make this seem worthwhile
Is to keep tracking the miles
And cities, behind my glossy smile

Is desperation and a need to survive
Although daily I long to die,
I am wandering, to stay alive.

*© Tara India
The loving , work horse
Strong heart , over flow
Loving the earth so deeply
Loving the earth so completely
He is driven daily
To plow his Love
furrow after furrow
Day after day
As he pushes heart into soil
In his daily toil
Generously carried softly
A surrendered humility

Our conflicting desires
Causing internal fires
Minds torn apart
Twisted and contorted
But like wild horses
We set all free
Flying high like a bird
Relaxing , letting be
As all will inspire
So just watch
This explosive aspire

A horses purity
A crystal clear clarity
As desires from
Their master drift
Blissfully , shine brightly
As connections run deeply
And he loves his
Fathers earth to
As he share his masters grief
For all his poor harvests
So ears placed on his crown
The horse listens intently
For directions from above
And ridden horses feel
For nudges in the gut
As all horses enjoy
The blissful atmosphere
Created when their fathers
Wishes are fulfilled
As they both melt
Into a gentle repour

Boundlessly trusting
Giving themselves
Softening , striding
Physically carrying
Emotionally supporting
Integrity and honesty
As many trumpets play
Flashing lights dance a ray
As accidents happen
They listen and listen
Reestablishing connections
As they are always

People and horses
Boxed in by life
Enclosed in tight arena's
Great pressures to jump
Deep urges to escape
But all jumping horses know
Freedom is not a
Horizontal choice
An option to run out
But a vertical belief
To jump what ever is front
As freedom is found
In the expression
Of unlimited self

The horse beauty
Is in its ability
To give generously
Surrender and listen
As he finds freedom
By working with and
Not Against higher forces
Horses are very evolved they possess they have a generosity that allows us to work with them
I know a man
Who could sell cheese to the moon
A book of riddles to a monkey
A lonely sound to a loon

This same man
Could sell colored flames to a fire
Broken wings to an angel
Salty tears to a Town Crier

I know a man
Who could sell green to a leaf
Bark to a dog
If it's up the wrong tree

This same man
Could sell a shadow to the night
Sassafras honey to a bee
Maybe to a might

I know a man
Who could sell gravity to the earth
To help hold it down
For all that it's worth

This same man
Took all that he could
From what little he had
And left it for good

I know a man
Who knows a man
If I said anymore
You would know that I am

This same man
Who could do all of this
Would gladly give it away
If it was sealed with a kiss
The smoke rises
and soon the stars in the sky look like coordinates
and you count the way each set of three makes a triangle.
This view makes you feel happy that you're still stuck in the suburbs
but then you begin to feel scared because you're still stuck in the suburbs
(maybe the view is better elsewhere)
I miss my best friend
and I know that if I lean over this balcony any further -  I'll be dead.
Suddenly you're glad you aren't dead.
and suddenly you're scared because you could be.
Feedback and comments are welcome!
 Sep 2014 Pushing Daisies
towering and sheltering
shading and nourishing
a blossoming innocence
of suckled sweetness

draped in wand pods
sowing magical seeds
sprouting sapling bridges
between hoping and knowing

fluttering metamorphosis
butterflies of the night
seeking the light of home
dimmed within memory

though storms may wail
these roots run deep
though lightening strikes
these wings have spread
 Sep 2014 Pushing Daisies
stellar direction in undulating terrain
punctuated by meteoric columns of infinite light
imparting a clutching embrace to the face of now

lunar reflections form a fluid nocturnal path
to an osculated gateway of fertile encompassment
culminating in breathless pillows of untabled silence

stars without fault grace the expressive heavens
while muted words gaze out through rooftop eyes
cascading over living stone in waterfalls of emotional geodes
 Sep 2014 Pushing Daisies
my rough and tattered edges like sea glass
smoothly rounded by her passions
relentlessly polished by intimate contact
with her welling water and earthy grit

the reality of her excites me
humbling any romantic doubt
dispelling any fantasy skepticism
instilling a will for the moment

she is energy in pure spherical form
encircling this scattered life
she holds for me a sense of place
a bookmark to poetic existence

just as bands bind magic barrel staves
as rainbows secretly circle underground
as concentric rings indicate growth
love will revolve even as it expands
 Sep 2014 Pushing Daisies
occurring slowly, imperceptibly
efficacy being subtly reduced
no longer radiating as it once had
decaying in all that matters

life awaiting reconception
metamorphosis to wholeness
but transition is rarely painless
its passage dark and damp

anxious waking in predawn gloom
curled within the womb of familiar
under a fraying comforter of security
worn even too thin for reality veiling

cutting the cord to the past is crucial
mindfully maintaining nurturing ties
a healthy present breathes its own air
into a future released from half-life
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