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Hennessy 5260 May 2020
Talks are useless,
Cause you don't want to,
Masked as fearless,
You put up your defences

I am not your enemy,
Your faults are not permanent,
But they leave marks,
Hurt and pain

Shall I suffer in silence,
Leave you to revel in ignorance,
For fear of losing you,
As I slowly fade
Hennessy 5260 May 2020
So you pull my heart strings
To and fro
Like a swing set
Sweet coated lies

Meaningless apologies
Handkerchief to my tears
Manipulate me
Like a puppet

I'm a slave to these emotions
Trick me to believe
These red flags
are just false alarms
Hennessy 5260 May 2020
Darling love,
If you should ever deem me worthy of your love,
Then I promise,
Cupid wouldn't need his arrows for us.

You're a work of art,
Gentle with your words,
Yet you're actions lure me most,
Blessing hearts like rays of sunshine
Nourishing the growing plants

The time for us is not yet
And I'm not sure when is
But till the hour dawns
I'm content to watch in the shadows

Bask in the warmth of your smiles
Shower you with my attention
Attend every exhibition
Of your life.
Hennessy 5260 May 2020
The crickets creek
The moon smiles
All is silent but for the snores of the city
Night terrors roam
The chills of the night have no mercy
Tired eyes search the shadows
Perhaps the demons have visited
Tis after all the devil's hour
Trembling fingers search the bed
But alas it's empty
The lover long departed
Bitter was the kiss of death
But she wasn't too kind to take them both
Silly mind to forget such matters
The heart too stubborn to understand
No arms of comfort shall be offered tonight
But the cold embrace of loneliness.
Hennessy 5260 Apr 2020
I feel your breath on my skin
Whisper of kisses on my neck
Your fingers are the pen
Words traced on flesh
And I read them out in moans

I feel your passion
Tender words close to my ears
I let go of my fears
And embrace the warmth of your skin.
Hennessy 5260 Apr 2020
I am an outcast
Too weird to be normal
But not weird enough to fit in with the weirdos
I have no place
An orphan, rejected
They do not understand me
Nor do they try
And I gave up trying to fit in

I am an outcast
Lurking in the shadows
Waiting for the moon to shed light on me
Hennessy 5260 Apr 2020
I'm okay
Really I am
I'm over it
I can talk about it without shedding a tear
I can move on without fear

Have I forgiven him?
We laugh and talk most times than not
The scars lay dormant
Then a whisper
The scars are scratched
Wounds reopened
I relive the nightmare

Then comes the shadow
Of pain and uncertainty
Conflicting emotions
Thirst for peace and vengeance

It seems my demons follow me
And no matter how much I try
I can't escape them
For the triggers are my shadow
And they're never far behind.
Are you really over something if you still get triggers?
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