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It's not people that frighten me
it's their eyes, it's the soul that hides within each eye, not only do they see- they judge, they think, they absorb. It's the contrast between their whites and their color that project strength and create fear, it's the inability to lose contact with that contrast, it's impossible to lose connection from what makes you afraid but at the same time beautiful it brings you closer, it's the fear of getting closer to something evil but irresistible. It's the fear of losing yourself but loving it.

you see, my dear
I'm familiar- with
shedding a tear
and so my vision
is blurred, and
to me, the world
is not crystal clear

cursed with a blessing
made to feel alive, even
when I'm not breathing

dear red on pale white,
a letter to you, I write
in immense red fright
I fear, red on pale white
It is because of you
I cannot sleep at night
you promised that
you would not bite
but what is left of me?
I cannot see anything
there is nothing in my sight
but a mouth, that keeps begging
the dear red on pale white
I write to you again,
dear red on pale-

'this is your last night'
said the red on pale white

I could feel the tension
I could feel all the blood in me
settling to the bottom, within my feet
my feet, now red, under pressure
pulling me down, I could not seem
to fight the weight that was
pulling me down, down and down

my feet now full, now red, like a bucket
full of water, ready to spill, ready to give way
my feet now ready to burst and set free
the tensed blood for once and for all

I guess we are all drawn to a certain  light and sometimes, that light, is darkness

I'm in denial of my days death
the day in your eyes,
now all I see are your whites
but no light, there's no light

- Kaya
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