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Don’t ask me to pass the assonance assessment
Or time my rhyming to make you smile.
Alliterative pieces I’m proud to produce
After pondering, my pretty person.

No I’d rather be free
When I write poetree (lol).
Must write with meaning,
So don’t be demeaning,
Even if you are screaming.

Existence, God, Love, People –
They’re what I write about.
Oft without form.
Just enjoy.

Gorgeous gold glory starts the story
That ends with a tune under the moon…

Paul Butters

© PB 20\9\2015.
Yet another early-morning poem born from working words in my head.
Mirror mirror !!!
Who is the unlucky in this world
The one who fails the thing in one
And no doubt its infront

Mirror Mirror !!
Who is the saddest in this world
The one who is here to ask
you have no money to buy all you want

Mirror Mirror !!
who is the happiest in this world
Go and asked with another one

                                                      Mirror Mirror !!
                                                      Who is the happiest in this world
                                                      Ohh didn't you notice care of  one
                                                      You­ are the one with bunch of love

                                                      Mirro­r Mirror !!
                                                      Who is the prettiest in the world
                                                      You are the queen of someone's hearts !!!
There was a story that I once told
Nobody believed me, felt they were so cold
I was hopeless to see a heart made of gold
Who could understand my story ten times fold

There was a woman who smiles in everything
In every moment, every situation that it brings
She was there hiding behind the mask while she sings
Nobody knows her tears, she's holding on to her last string

There was a story that I once cried with you
Now it was just a story to recall when I want to
Seeing us together, strong and faithful as we grow
There was a story, now I can't recall but you.
Back to writing again...
A day begins for the ride
A steel horse by his side
Turn of the key the engine sings
A bird fluttering it's wings
The view ahead laid wide
His heart washed by sea tide
Away from city miles
Far to nature's smiles
Singing a new song
destination unknown and long
To uncharted roads far
Till the night  brings a star
Man and machine soul one to be
My wings my steel horse ride free
Long meanders the line that divided us
While we lived, rugged is the knife that severed
What was a quiet bond between two particles
Of stardust.

From my reserved cloud I can see
The domes on the temples I have never visited,
The ghat that runs by the holy rivulet is solitary,
The mists of human endeavour do not blanket
Those flagstones in warmth or comfort,
All that remains is algae sprawled on the steps
Of the ghat where silence is the spirit
The light and the guide.

Two particles of stardust collide in an instant
In the fluidity of Space time, and all that remains
Is a whisper in history
That once existed two people, separate,
Though begotten of the same dust as the Stars,
Who were united in a flash of light,
And an eternity of peace.
My reflection
looks back at me

from the winter
darkened window

every now &
then - borrowing a bus

or a passing truck
to use for a brain

& then: the emptiness
of night flooding

in again or
a clutch of pedestrians

huddle against
the driving rain

drifting through my face
like long lost ghosts.

turning to sleet.

"So..?" my reflections
enquires of me

"...what are we
going to do then?"

its accusing eyes

I watch the traffic
of its thoughts

having to admit
that it hurt more

than a

that, I "...just
don't know..?"

Some crazy zombie leaves
throw themselves at the window

as if trying to
devour my face.

I hope the glass
will hold.

My reflection saying
nothing, but:

I could see it
thought I was

a disgrace
as to the who

the hell
I thought

I was

a police siren
screaming through the smile

I had nailed on

I could feel
I was not

going to
like me

for a long, long
Reflection is the change in direction of a wavefront at an interface between two different media so that the wavefront returns into the medium from which it originated.
Is it time
To write a rhyme
Or should I write blank verse?
The meaning of the cosmos beckons me
So maybe my verse should just run free.

What matters is what I have to say,
Before I send you on your way.
We need a world of Peace and Love,
And shouldn’t need guidance from above.

Mother Nature asks for a rhyme
To help preserve her, for all time.
Doing otherwise is just a crime
For which we deserve much more than a fine.

If you don’t believe in God,
Then believe in Good.
And spare the rod,
There’s better use for wood.

Thanks for reading this, my friend,
We have now reached the very end.

Paul Butters

© PB 18\9\2015.
Another early-morning rhyme!
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