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Nathan Wischropp Jun 2016
I find comfort in the thought of death, Sometimes I pray for my last breath. I can't keep lying to everyone SAYING IM OKAY! Because the thing about lying is when you're alone, there's no one left to lie to aside from yourself. The thought of tying my own noose around my neck to lift me into a better place; a place where I can't be sad, can't be hurt, can't feel this pain that shatters me! How is that fair to her?! How is that fair to the ones who actually give a ****?! Pardon my French I'm running. Running with no way to finish or even sort of place. Yet I need to place, not for any kind of award but a place to lay my head because when I'm asleep I'm at peace. In my dreams I can't be sad, can't be hurt, and can't feel this pain. When I'm asleep I'm not shattered. When I'm asleep I'm at peace, there with you. In my dreams we are happy... together.
It's night when it hurts the worst.
  Jun 2016 Nathan Wischropp
I hold you in my lungs like nicotine
Broken hearts are stronger than those intact, for the broken cannot be broken further is a fact.
Nathan Wischropp Jun 2016
Wearing a fake smile so well and telling everyone I'm okay, little do they know I'm broken. Shattered like glass from a mirror. I couldn't stand to look at myself anymore, BECAUSE I CAN'T HIDE FROM MYSELF WHEN I'M THE ONLY ONE I REALLY WANT TO RUN FROM!! I wish I could rip out these negative emotions that cause me to feel this pain and replace them with you. Because I miss you.
I needed to write but without an idea this one seems as shattered as the point I'm trying to get across.
Nathan Wischropp Jun 2016
I need help. Feels like I'm sinking with a solid piece of thick glass covering the surface. Trapped with no cracks to even a temp to breath. Yet the glass is clear so I can still see that theres peace on the other side. I reach but sink, deeper still into this heartbreak I once called love. This heartbreak that's shattered me into a million pieces, I WANT TO SCREAM!! I can't breath. I WANT TO CRY! My pride won't let me, yet I feel so alone so lost and so empty. My heart is replaced with a black hole feeding on what light I still hold deep within...why fight it. I've lost her.
I write to anyone who shares this pain. You aren't alone, I hurt with you.

— The End —