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  23h Onyx
I wanna be your worn-out book,
Pages stained with love.
I wanna be your quiet dream,
The one you're thinking of.
A beauty dream, you can never wake up from.....................
  1d Onyx
Another yellow leaf,
     Another red
Descends like grief on grief.
Another yellow leaf
Whispering, "Life is brief,"
    Descends from overhead
Another yellow leaf,
     Another red.
  1d Onyx
Sometimes going to work was fun.
Most of the time, it was a box.
Some had roofs.
Some had lights.
Some had loneliness
For lonely nights.
Onyx 1d

My name is

My favorite color is
Black as night

My birthday is
meant to be forgotten

My love is
no one

My address is

My best friends are
voices in my head

I eat lunch
all alone

I write words slightly hoping
that they are my last

I show little care for myself
Not worth it

I eat when I feel like it
only at home

One to two meals a day is

Weekends are my heaven
calm and quiet

I used to imagine my last day
but it is not worth it

I will disappear eventually
perhaps I was never here

Maybe I was your imagination all along
Your loneliness made me

Do not worry my friend I'm here
I will not leave you alone
there for those i care for. you know who you are
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