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Grass, beauty, Easter and art;
the kind of grey skies that don't hurt your heart,
the kind of rain that signals a new start -
Spring is allowing your soul and your darkness to part.

Remembering childhood memories you didn't know you forgot,
Pastel coloured sweets that will make your teeth rot,
Lovers going at it like bunnies without fear of getting caught,
Spring is bringing clarity and serenity to your thoughts.

Windows that crack open just enough to leak fresh air,
with lilac blossom candles leaving a light scent that's barely there
and there's something about the way you started wearing your hair...
Spring is finally replenishing what winter left bare.
Having a really lovely day!
I haven't felt this happy in a while, and I really hope that means that things are starting to look up for me.
I hope Spring brings something new to all of you, too.
"You are the reason I started praying at night again."
And wishing on shooting stars, and knocking on wood...
I haven't been active lately, as I've been trying to figure some things out.
I haven't come to any concrete conclusions, but I'm hoping to find some answers soon.
Thank you to everyone who has sent love and shown concern.
I'll be posting some old drafts, as writing is still hard for me to bring myself to do.
Shaky fingers,
touches that linger,
bruises that cover her arms.
Desperate stares,
men that don't care -
empty words abundant in charm.
Cigarette smoke,
dancing that provoke
strangers to move closer in.
Eyes painted black,
shot glasses thrown back,
lipstick stains that cover his skin.
No one wants to sleep alone,
"Could you give me a ride home?
Of course, I can walk alright."
Roofied drinks,
missing links -
"What happened last night?"
Written a while ago when I was really into the night scene.
"If not you,
then who?
If not now,
then when?"
Quoted this because I've seen these words somewhere, just can't remember where.
Anyway, just a friendly reminder that all of you are very much worthy of all of the wonderful things life has to offer you.
Believe that.
Everything else is just noise.
Having a good day, hope you all are aswell.
No one truly knows how you feel except you,
but who knows what tomorrow will bring?
When life is beating you black and blue;
remember: there is beauty in even the worst of things.
Stop replaying that night when you drank too much and said the wrong things and kissed the wrong person.

Stop wishing you could take back the words you said in the fight that ended things for good.

Stop wishing you had gotten better grades in high school instead of taking up a habit that you still haven't broken 5 years later.

Stop wishing you had taken more pictures last Christmas because you didn't know it would be the last Christmas you would spend with your father.

Stop wondering if your best friend took what you said that one time the wrong way.

Stop hating yourself for staying quiet that one time you saw something you knew was wrong, but turned a blind eye.

We are all ****** up people.
We are all flawed.
We have all hurt someone we love, we have all broken things that can never be repaired.
But regret gets exhausting,
and eventually,
if you let it,
it will bleed you dry.

Forgive yourself.
I feel like the only thing I have to offer in my writing any more are things that I'm going through, and from my own experience.
I've kind of hit a writing block for a while now.
If anyone has a topic that they'd like me to write something on, please let me know!
I hope you all enjoyed this, and I hope you're one day able to forgive yourself for that one thing that you carry around with you everywhere you go.
"I wish you well."

                                         ­                                     (but not too well without me)
I like 10 word poems because it forces you to summarize your thoughts  to the point where you're really only saying what you mean.
Maybe I should try using that same theory in my own life, haha.

— The End —