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Ryan Nyberg Oct 2015
His eyes are oceans and I drown in his gaze every night
His voice - my motions, my emotios and my light.
His movements hypnotise me,
I cant look away
Every word he says is binding
I am led astray.
His smile's spell casting, charming, mesmerising
His figure Lean, so confident so tough
My knees go weak around him,
His touch's so surprising
I think this is how people define love.
He holds you still and all you dare to do
Is breath evenly, steadily, rarely,
Shaking through and through.
Ryan Nyberg Apr 2015
im in pieces
you're at peace and
the water rises
the waters hissing.
The sky gets darker
the wind is stronger
wrapped up in cold air
i aim at noone.
my thoughts are pure gold
but you're my acid
you burn right through me
i cant get past this.
i am a train wreck
i lost the railways
wandered off somewhere
looking for bright days.
Ryan Nyberg Mar 2024
As you fade into memory;
become a part of history;
i learn to live without your presence;
inspired by your mastery.

Will pain abandon me one day
the way love's always done.
Will it reject me in all ways
that only love's known how.

Is 'once upon a time' a thing?
Does 'ever after' still exist?
What happened to those princesses
After they got their prince?

As you fade into memory;
become a part of history;
my faith fades alongside of you
all i am left with - misery.#
Ryan Nyberg Oct 2015
Dont tell me youre happy
While trying your noose
Smile like you mean it
When it comes loose.
Dont tell me youre joyful
Then ask to pull the chair
I have seen one too many
Times this look of despair
Your eyes say it all
You glance at the floor
Your hands shake like leaves
With all bullets you miss.
I would miss you so
For I love you so
And I know youre strong
Find where you belong
Never let it go
Keep it close to you
And I need you so
For your my own soul.
Ryan Nyberg Jan 2023
in a concrete box that you once called home
with nobody there, in silence, lights gone
you start to question “why am i, what for”
in a concrete box with no windows or doors. 

You think you’ll never sleep again or smile, 
your heart is now forever in exile. 
you search for answers trying to grasp air,
the reminiscence of what seems was never there

among the memories that might as well be dreams,
you wonder if anything is what it seems. 
you feel cold, out of nowhere comes a gust of wind
“breathe of fresh air” you hope
is there a crack in the concrete? 

your lungs expand, you open your eyes wide
you clench your fists
a chance no fight or flight
Then wind sweeps you off of your feet
you fall,
your body feels the chill of concrete floor
you can taste blood though you're not bleeding
your faith is running low, your hope receding. 

yet you find strength and pull yourself back up
you swallow, you are ready to attack. 
you wonder “surely, this is not the end. 
for suffering, for pain i am not meant”.

another gust of wind starts to build up
tears fill your eyes “please dont be a setback”
you whisper under your breath and you let it
lift yourself high so you can see the room
black and grey space, a prison cell of doom.
and suddenly like fog, the wind dissolves.
just as it came from nowhere, there it goes. 
and you fall harder, breaking all your bones. 
now you see it, you can smell your blood

you feel defeated, deafened by the thud
of your own body slammed against the floor
you cry “no more, i beg, no more”.

I cannot get through yet another storm; 
I have no faith, no will, no sails and no brawn.
I am no longer me - just a faint shadow
of what i could have been but i am shattered. 

then out of darkness, from where the winds came
hot puff of air, warm spirit of good days
wraps arms around your shoulders, helps you up
it gently places you back on your feet and stops. 

it penetrates your soul and calms your mind
it’s soft, it’s lovable, its kind.
it dries your tears and you can see
alas, there is a door in front of me.
Ryan Nyberg Oct 2015
i held your hand when you exhaled
and the world stopped as you paused time
i cried my heart out as i pondered
and reminisced of yours and mine.
no more weak ticking in dead silence
no more confused insistent clamour
i grew to hold in bitter drama
where once was peace now chaos, harmar.
Ryan Nyberg Apr 2015
lift your head to the sun
feel the warmth and the cold
lift your arms to the sky
and feel sold.
you have never been free
you depend on all the
people round and about
people off stage tonight
people playing their roles
people crying near poles.
lift your head to the stars
it's a beautiful wander
it will start with light rain
but end in deadly thunder.
it will start a good book
end with twist and a hook
it will take you away from the best of the days.
you depend on the others
what they do what they say
you depend,its your air
it's a dragon you slay.
**** it now
cut the ropes
fly away from these shores.
Ryan Nyberg Sep 2015
im burning down the bridges
im taking down the castles
what used to be so strong
and seemed so massive
no longer stands so confidently still
no longer lasts, no longer fortress, was not will.
I opened my eyes and saw light once more
what used to hurt badly,
now i come back for more.
no longer cry
no longer scared

so far i've missed you with every word
so far i've missed you with every dream
im burning down the bridges
what they seem.
Ryan Nyberg Jan 2016
i ll never lie
if you say yes.
i ll never curse ,
i'll argue less.
ill never envy,
gossip, whine.
i wont indulge on too much wine.
i wont smoke when im drunk, believe.
i wont make plans, and then retrieve.
i ll keep my word,
i ll help the poor,
i wont give in to selfish lures.
i ll study hard,
work double time
but let me sleep at least till 9.
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
i asked you to stay strong
i found the words
i hoped you 'd never cause such deep
and blood filled wounds.
we all get restless, and sometimes give up
and i betrayed myself so much i called it bluff.
and every note and word is now soaked in my rain
every day has had a mark left on, to see how time goes by in vain
would you remember how it was back then
we fooled around it seemed to harmless to pretend
instead of working on what we have got and we have had our share of tears
you wanted to move on with someone whose love would not seem so intense and fierce.
with someone who would never make you cry
someone who's near, not worlds away like i.
oh well, maybe you find what's best for you
don't want to lie, i don't hope you find truth.
i hope you suffer like never before.
i hope you feel the rain like it is downpour
i do. i really, really do hope you get hurt.
you get all bruised and covered in your dirt.
Ryan Nyberg Aug 2014
my very own dark corner is now gone
been occupied with someone i have never seen before;
so i don't have a place to hide no more
and seems my wounds are opened up by the fresh air and feel so sore.
the sunlight hurts my eyes and i can't see
not only what was in past
but also what it is that lies in front of me.
i wave my arms to find something to hold
that doesnt work too well for me for i am still unstable
though i can feel the rain and wind through my grey bones
everything rushes desperately to fold
in away from me.
ah am i sure i even want to be
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
I prayed to the moon to raise the tides,
I begged the soil to bury my pain
I cried to the heaven “Please, heal his deep bites”
If only I knew you ran deep in my veins.
Scratched my skin ‘til I bled,
Walked my feet till they’re dead;
Broke my bones, pierced my heart
Took my sanity, you
And sent me back to the start.
It might have been the sun
Might have been distance or planes
Whatever it is I would walk it in days.
This place is hopeless,
And now I feel so worthless,
Giving me time to forget
You’re staying calm and so voiceless.
I don’t know where you hide,
Or how you spend my nights
Let me go, let me out
No longer want to be yours.
Give me back my own god,
Return strength to my bones.
I get so desperate sometimes
I don’t want to inhale
The same air that you breath
Wish to forget your full name.
I welcomed Death in my arms
Believing it Was my friend
And I still think it is so
To a certain extent extent.
Ryan Nyberg Sep 2019
and I cry,
and I sob,
and I curl up inside;
and I hide,
but you find,
am I losing my mind?
I am fine,
I am well
but I feel
like im dead;
I am here,
nowhere else,
and I can't disconnect;
I am hurt
I'm in pain
and it won't go away;
tears won't dry,
they just run,
faster with every day.
Losing sight,
dim the light;
no, I don't want to see,
let me die,
bury deep,
ill return
in your sleep.
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
You want your freedom
Want your *****
You make my fairytales come loose.
Apologies dont mean a thing to both of us
You re still unfair and I still jeopardise your trust.
I want to be with you see that you care
You only talk, you choose truth never dare.
I want a first dance, want your crying eyes
To shine so bright and be clear like blue skies
When I am in the whitest dress…say yes.
My life is not a fairytale
Of that I’m sure.
But I believed you d make it one
You d make it pure.
I’d fall down to your feet
I’d hug your knees
I’d beg and swear I love you
With such ease.
In love there is no space for pride
I say im sorry and I never hide.
What hurt the most that you don’t understand
how much it hurts and how hard to pretend
To make my peace with what I always feared.
To know what could have been and realise.. I saw- it disappeared.
You made me stronger I have ever been
But now im so weak, and my hope s so thin.
i want to make you feel like i am not forever
eternity seems to be not so long.
i want you to keep what we have
and treasure
what we will have as long as love goes on.
Ryan Nyberg Mar 2017
trying to find myself- i lost myself;
giving away assistance- didnt notice
that I needed help;
trying to cope with pain-
neglected love;
have you ever done one or more of the above?
Ryan Nyberg Apr 2016
A broken man rented a van
And drove it far away
In hopes to escape from his past
Forget the happy days.

A broken man drove all night long
With no stops for a rest
Hunger was strong but pain was worse
Now he was on a quest.

A broken woman in meanwhile
Wept herself to sleep.
Her eyes were swollen, wet and red
Her man she couldn't keep.

A broken woman in her bed
Not letting sunlight through
Thought it'd be better if her man
Was right there with her too.

But broken man with rented van
Was nowhere to be seen
He stopped he wept he never slept
He just replayed the scene

When broken woman tore all ties
Convicted innocent of crimes
Abused her right of being loved
Her heart turn hard, once being soft.

A broken man rented a van
And drive it off a cliff
A broken woman never guessed
She caused such a mischief.

two broken hearts, in broken parts
are beating out of synch
two ships that used to sail far
inevitably sink.
Ryan Nyberg Dec 2015
this one's to say i love you
now and ever
this one's to say my lies
are only fever.

im drunk and this might not make any sense
but i will drop the veil,
abandon the pretence
and say i love you,
not to you of course
i dont think i am strong enough
to face remorse

you boast, you lie, you're confident as ****.
im awkward, i am pretty, i'd say very drunk.

you're happy, you dont bother
why should i?
oh yeah, that's right
i am a female
i am never fine.
im always overthinking
always analysing
the words you say
the nouns, the verbs
what you're disguising

The chains you put on me
dragging me down
the pain you caused
is eating me alive
but i stay calm

i need you
please oh be with me
oh please
i know i am not good enough
i'd rather you would **** me
make it easy.

i scratch my head
and pull my hair
i run my fingers down my chest
i think of you
i think of us
i drown, i crumble
im your chess.

your name
i wish i could just say your name aloud
and not be scared
i want to scream your name
but i wont yet.
i'd wait
i'd wait until the very end
and say your name under my breath
i hate this.
i hate every moment, every second
but i want "us".  
but i love you
so i am fine
and merry christmas.
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
The only time I thought I wanted to let go
Was when you said you had no strength to carry on.
How many times I asked to fight the world
But it was only me you fought.
Not realising we will die without
Your eyes shone bright with joy in pure day light;
But every word you said it broke my dreams
So far away from what my smile seems
To be; its hard not to break down in front of you
And even harder not to cut your veins with truth.
Our farewells never good but rarely bad.
though one ends up healing their broken heart.
What time has done to us we ll never know
But distance for sure won’t be end at all.
some time has passed
and we can see the time
has killed what it has given us.
the distance *was* the end
and he had never loved me.
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
does anyone need
what i write on this page
probably not
unless i'm Nicholas Cage.
im a funny one
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
i love it how you make me laugh by being you

i love it that you  make me be so serious when i dont know what in this life i have to do

i found my best friend you have always been so close to me

i found my soulmate who would unconditionally let me be.

now when im learning to believe again

its hard almost impossible and breathing seems to be in vain

but look at you and such innocent smile

i feel so bad taking all that away from you

i hope one day i ll prove to you im worth it

but you might regret things you didnt do
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
i hope you change your mind on some of things

some of those dreams that hurt the most

i hope that very soon you ll be able to see

the cost.

i ll make my peace no matter what you choose

i will support and bite my tongue and lose

i ll sacrifice and give all that i have

to make you see, it s only you i crave
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
anaemic and pale
i'm walking these streets.
they resemble the corridors
where you get lost for weeks.

they're not pretty or homely
they make you feel sick
anaemic, confused
your faith grows weak.

I close my eyes when crossing the road
i become deaf when birds sing their songs.
i don't want to be happy-
here it doesnt make sense.
i'd rather lock myself up
within self pity and tales.
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
If time can justify us being apart

We will get through this phase no matter what,

if dreams can help some people fight the pain

we cant let all we have go down the drain.

get over and move on, new day will come

get used but fight the world until you re drunk

on happiness and love, keep your blood hot.

we'll find our peace and use what have learnt.

a bit of hope has all the colours you can see

and hope has every teardrop of the sea

so you can swim and if you start to drown, just don't give up

even if there is a stone ******* to your neck and your cup

‘s half empty.
Ryan Nyberg Dec 2015
stop the camera
let the credits roll
all your nasty things
took their toll.
i believed you would
change or that was love
little did i know
you were just an ****.
i was nice and kind
i believed in you
tried to change your mind
and my point of view.
little did i know
you were just an ****
little did you show
there was never "us".
i was so in love
i was oh so blind
maybe i am still
but i feel the light
shining through my eyes
closed, and then sealed -shut
i believed you were
simply bold and blunt.
all insults i would
take and bear and wait
i was oh so patient
hoping to get laid.
little did i know
glad now it is clear
only one you loved
you saw in the mirror.
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
we never fully recover.
we never get up from our knees
we never know what kind of power
lies beneath our stumbling feet.
we've had our ups and lows
were way up high and saw the hell below
i d like to see you fall down from your throne
id like to see you cry and your heart eaten by the blackest crow.
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
i hate to deal with this and that s my curse
a spell that someone s put on my poor heart
right now and for a long time i felt nothing worse
could come.
i see the autumn leaves whirl in the air
some raise higher and higher
and some fall desperately,
touching the ground they flare.
the world around gets duller every day,
it s flooded with hope’s tears
and unaccomplished dares.
the sky is grey the thoughts are dark and thin
i want to walk until my legs give in.
i want to fight until i feel no more
but in the end i know
it s you i ve suffered for.
you re worth every teardrop
that i cry
every smile that i force and smoky heavy sighs.
Ryan Nyberg Oct 2017
You are my autumn leaves
My winter snow
You are light summer breeze
Before the storm.
You are light rain
So quickly growing heavy
You are the hurricane
That ruins all I carry.
You are the book I've read too many times
You are the perfect ending to love story
So tragic so heart breaking , filled with crimes
So perfect- you could be a saint, your soul so holy.
You are the cold that I feel in my bones
In summer heat
You are the fire burning deep inside my heart.
You are my ally, I accept defeat
You are the psychic and I'm just a card.
Ryan Nyberg Oct 2017
i wish i held you closer than my heart;
my words were sensible from very start
i wish;
and everyday i wish i held your hand;
as i can feel my inadvertent end.

my locomotive lost its course and i am lost
my values are sold at no cost;
my pain gets worse.

i wish i held you closer than my fears;
my thoughts were thoughtless, vision wasnt clear.
now im regretting being who i am
now i am dreading as i face my inadvertent end.
Ryan Nyberg Dec 2017
For 25 years now
There hasn’t been a day;
When I’d stop searching for the same light
That once led my astray.

Sometimes the light would burn me
As I reach towards the source
And other times
It’d blind me
Without slightest remorse.

We’re all looking for something
Are we ever complete
If someone’s keeping score could you
Add just one more defeat

I see hope in what scares you
What you’d never think of
Falling asleep on train tracks
Or  turning up gas stove.

Those who know love are happy
It’s such a wasteful claim
I know, I’ve been to heaven
It makes hell seem  so tame.

For 25 more years I
Will search for hand to hold.
Falling asleep on train tracks
Ignoring all I’m told.
Ryan Nyberg Feb 2015
If you let me in, i might crumble and break
i might stumble and fall
i might make some mistakes.
I might let you down once,
i might let you down twice
but i'll never get tired
of looking into your eyes.

If you let me in, i will forever be yours
be as gentle as silk, i'll be your faithful voice.
I'll hold you in my arms
when you're scared or confused
hold your hand when you're falling
accept when you're  refused.

I will be by your side
i will fight all your fears
i will lessen my pride
and build bridges from piers.
I will always forgive
no matter how big the sin
i will be your best bet
If you just let me in.
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
sometimes i am
sometimes I'm not
sometimes my mind tights into knots
sometimes i live
sometimes survive
sometimes somedays i take a scarf
i wrap it round my neck and hold
the ends until your arms unfold
it didn't happen the last time
i thought i died, but now I'm fine.
sometimes i shake
and let it go
sometimes i laugh and carry on
sometimes somedays
i meet new me
and at that point i let it be
and then i see my eyes shine bright
when i don't see of you a sight.
Ryan Nyberg Feb 2015
im not a fan of being weak
im not a fan at all
but all of us have moment when
Tears run and hit the floor.

Im not a fan of swearing much
I don't use ***** words
But all of us are human to
swear the **** out when hurts.

im not a fan of drinking games
i am a mummy's daughter
but hey, can you please hold my glass?
my turn to spin the bottle.

im not a fan of taking drugs
and that's how i was born
though they say yesterday i claimed
"i'm yellow unicorn"!
Ryan Nyberg May 2017
You never promised anything
but i built castles from your sand;
and it was never what you did
but all you said.

we never saw each other in each other's eyes
we never promised to be present
not break hearts;
in love and death
in sickness, health
i took you before knew your name.
the world i made up at first sight of you
now just isnt the same.
Ryan Nyberg May 2017
I love my heart to the bone
Awaking my sadness
To it's dying song.

I cry my eyes to the skull
So much so even when I am joyous
My smile is dull.

I walk my feet till they bleed;
Water and cherish ache
And all it seeds;

I loved my heart to the core
To the back of my spine
Digging wounds always sore;
And I'll never stop cradling the faith
One day you will love me til death..
Ryan Nyberg May 2017
Fairytales aren't meant to come true;
They are engraved into books' pages
There is no way for them to flee
From hundred thousand cages.

Many great writers burnt the scripts
To love that's never ending
Trying to make them come to life
But what's the use pretending?

I let it slip my sanity and honest,
I thought something is different in the world of  mine.
Alas the only difference between me and century long fairytales
Is lack of time.
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2015
Today i've lost my friend again for umpteenth time.
Since we fell out i've been losing her daily
i would wake up and lose her in my mind
repeating words and wishing life was fair, see

Today ive lost my friend and so will do tomorrow
it hurts, it has for the last year, my pain my sorrow
today i spoke to her again like year ago
today she let me down i let her go

tomorrow we will speak again and she will sound cold hearted
tomorrow she wont care that our ways parted
and i will still be feeling guilty, empty
and i will still suffer from  loneliness so hefty.
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
We are as hopeless
as our hearts at love.
we are as worthless
as our given oaths.

we are all lost
and our names are unknown
we don't know ****
but you claim you have stronger bones

and everyone around you
isn't worth your time.
one day she is your future
the next - you sell her for a dime

to the first stranger that you cross paths with
to the first poor man roaming these blank streets
to any blind guy who won't speak a word of truth
you'd sell her and move on to someone new.

great minds think differently
but work together perfectly.
when one is willing to submit to sanity
make sure you are the one who keeps the folly.
for two sane people will give birth to ordinary
lunatic will bring to this land something odd and jolly.

we are as hopeless
as our heart's desires.
where we need water
we're looking for fires.

we are as lost
as a new born star up in the sky at night
we are as new to this world
as of death the fright
after you nearly met it face to face
Ryan Nyberg Dec 2017
he needs me more than i will ever know;
what i am thinking of he asks a hundred times in row;
he doesn't let me go;
his grip is tight.
and most of all he's scared of letting go at night...
when darkness falls he draws me to his chest
and that for me has now become
the only place, my shelter, where i rest;
he cares, and never says there is no time to
pick up the phone, or think about me just a second;
he never says i am the last thing on his mind
and by his voice into my little hell im beckoned.
the pills i take save me from losing what i've got;
they are antibiotics, alas, poison, although antidote.
and in the morning when we wake
side by side of the other, a mistake?
i fear he disappears and never says a word.
but he needs me more than i'll ever know.
he draws me closer,
asks me if im happy ten times in a row;
but when we part
he speaks to me no more...
Ryan Nyberg May 2016
My life
Is burning in a fire;
Created by my
Ryan Nyberg Oct 2015
If home's where the heart is
Then I must be heartless
This place still feels alien
And my soul in crisis.
I change countries and people
I change sceneries, towns
Different captures and tongues
Different 'hi"s and 'goodbye's
Nothing's ever the same
Apart from my own name.
Apart from how i feel
In a foreigner's skin.
Ryan Nyberg Apr 2015
i am strong i wont break
i wont show you my weakness.
i am better than that,
wait, and you will witness
i am higher than skies
i am purer than lakes
hold on there little girl
do whatever it takes.
i am strong i wont cry
if i have to- i'll hide.
i am higher than sun
i am brighter than light.
i will bear it and suffer
i will protect my shuttle.
try and break down my walls
try and lose, i suppose.
Ryan Nyberg Oct 2015
like tsunami
it swallows you whole
like a car crash it breaks you
like a gun
leaves a hole

like a knife cuts your throat
like a noose leaves a bruise
like heartbreak
makes you ache
***** your soul
but you crawl

you cant walk
no strength even to talk
every breath takes it all
needles build
and destroy .
Ryan Nyberg Jan 2018
when in my head i go insane;
when thoughts are tangled, lost in blame;
when paranoia's boiling blood;
when I consider all ways out;
when I can trust what isn't real;
when smallest thing is a big deal;
when i feel like the world is crushing;
collapsing right under my feet;
when desperation's gripping tightly
me by the throat and i lose sleep;
when overthinking cant be stopped;
and of all sanity and clarity im robbed;
when pain inside's too much to bear
and my hopes turn into despear
he understands, he doesn't mind
he walks right by me, not behind;
he knows that in my teary eyes
hide years of love and sacrifice;
he tells me what i need to hear
to win this war against my fear;
he understands, he doesn't mind;
when sun's too bright but i need light
when world's unfair - he's still so kind;
he says he loves me when i seem
be drowning in my own dark beam;
he talks about me, how he's keen;
he lives inside my dream.
Ryan Nyberg Apr 2015
i stood there cold
Freezing my hands
Thinking if this
**** ever ends

I couldn't feel
My limbs or guts.
I couldn't move
But the cold lasts.

My tight ripped jeans
Inviting wind
My spring lite Coat
gIves you a hint.

Im no good choosing what to wear
When I get up before the sun
I'm thinking maybe the next day
Wake up on time, put something warm.
Ryan Nyberg Jan 2017
he ran away from what he knew
and never stopped since then;
full of regret 'bout what he blew
set his new life's main trend.

He turned down true, non-profit love
and never shared a tear;
when she sat trembling on his bed
full of remorse and fear.

He let go of his best allies
neglecting their concern;
he thought they were so full of it,
to point of no return.

now they are joyous ,married men
she is a mum of two;
and all the same he's on the run
chasing his wasted youth.
Ryan Nyberg Feb 2016
ya vijy vi volnyetes' moi dryg
y vas tryasytsy ryki, plyashyt nogi
vi pozabili vsex i kajdogo vokryg
boyas' svernyt' s pryamoi kak shest dorogi.

*** vistypaet, v ygolkax glaz stoyat slezi
ne v sostoyanii stoyat', sidet' i govorit'
vi plachite, dlya vas vse tak ser'ezdno
moi dorogoi, ny kak tak mojno jit'.

no ne volnyisya, dryg moi
vi rano so schetov spisali vas je;
i esli mi seichas ne pobedim
to vperedi mi viigraet i dvajdi.
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
i dont need fancy house or a super cool car

i dont need diamond rings or the stars from the sky.

just your smile, your laugh

will be more than enough.

we re struggling we re fighting

and we hope for the best

noone knows what will happen

we dont know when we ll rest.

as long as we end up being by each others side forever

id keep going through the storm until i cant remember

my name and purpose why i came into this world

and your name will be only word

i know.
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
when i was young i was naive
i used to love and then deceive
i used to own and leave behind
and hoped one day i would be fine.

My mother said the pain will ease.
hers never went away at all
but she kept saying
daughter please
just carry on.
i used to chase the planes and cars
i used to jump over the bars
so reckless was i, and so dumb
my mother said it was the climb.
you have to push and hurt and fail
to write your own beautiful tale.
the prince...i havent met him yet.
just came across the hourse he had
the house got tired of his ****
and left him saying he was cheap.
im moving on looking for lords,
looking for kings and knights with swords.
why is it getting harder to give love?
maybe because i was bertrayed or cheated on
maybe because he was unworthy of
i will one day meet the right one
who will give me a beautiful prince son.
someone who i'll live for until i die;
find someone who would keep me near
in stead of looking for a way to kick me out.
out of his life forever.
the one who'll tell me i'm his dear
the one i know so much about .
Ryan Nyberg Jun 2015
i'll build a bridge and you'll cross over
And when it rains- i'll be your cover.
I'll build a house and hide you in it
and when there's pain - i'll be your limit.
Ryan Nyberg Jun 2017
They run away like I am fire;
They never look back
As if I were an evil tide, dengerous wire;
As if I were preparing to attack.

They run away and hide, never return;
While i am waiting patiently my turn
all I ever believed fades into darkness
the only light I see- is my hopes burn.

A wise man said-
Try loving thyself for a change instead.
But everything tastes different
And looks duller;
The smells are so mandaine-
theres none at all at times.

They run away as if I'm fire
Stil id take blame for their horrible crimes.
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