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  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
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One high sun shining

One day  

( So far away )
shows us the road

To freedom


Down the golden path

Thru the fields so fertile

To the mountains glowing

And the source of flowing




Knowing everybody by name


It is the end of tyranny

Of the rich and powerful

The oppression of the weak

Forced into poverty

There shall be an end of slavery

Down the path so golden

Thru the fields of fertility

Toward the glowing mountains

And the sacred fountain

Pure waters

And grace

The faces of our children

Not to be erased !

Knowing everyone by name


It is the end of tyranny

The end of tyranny


The true beginning

The true beginning

The world as it must be
If I go through the darkness
I see, all around the darkness
but I have a third eye
where there I can see your light

you are the light
that enlighten me
where there I find my way

If I go through the wrong
I see, all around the wrong
but if I hear through my another third ear
where there I can catch your voice

I find your words
that brings my words
where there I make my poetry

If I go through thee known song
I feel, I can't go through the whole song
but if I feel through my third sense
where there I am very curious to seek your song

I try to sing your song
that makes my melody
where there I can make my song again

If I go through thee mind
I feel, I lose my interest rapidly
but if I feel through my third vision
where there I feel the spirituality  

I try to understand your mind
that brings shine on my mind
where there I can make my soul again

If I go through thee road
I feel, I can't grow my motion
but if I think through my sixth sense
where there I move to your road again

I try to go through your road
that makes my speed again
where there I will make my love again
@Musfiq us shaleheen
If I go through: the realization through life
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Dark Jewel
Deathly hallows,
Prey for light to come..
For ghouls haunt these halls.
Of Seraphim.

Only a dark soul,
Can save those of light.
That soul also lightened,
By the knight...

Beware these halls,
Of precious prisoners.
Prepare for battle,
Of Seraphim.
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
K Balachandran
Spreading dense night, dark robust forest,
growing relentless, virtually unstoppable;
it went on for some time after the sun surrendered
we were stranded in it's cloudy  thickets, thorny bushes.
Then came white butterflies, waves after waves after waves,
from the silver moon's abode  they descended so spectacularly.
          We were overwhelmed, by this sudden invasion of beauty,
that swayed my mind, made it fly high weightless like a feather,
couldn't even notice them eating up the fear of the forest altogether.
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Here...take hold my eyes--
wear them.
What do you presence,
or my absence?
There...I'll take hold your eyes--
wear them.
What do I see...your presence,
or your absence?
If we both communicate a
presence and absence...then
where do you leave off, and I
It may be from this viewpoint
we are not the sole possessors of
our eyes.
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
The director yells ~ 《!!CUT!!》

The California Redwoods definitely yell *《¡¡DON'T¡¡》
Sweet Redwoods (be kind)
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
It is the few that truly matter
the who whom  look at the wounds
after the woodpecker visits
or spread petals for a hummingbird
with ADHD
Ripe are mulberries
sweet are the cherries
If they pick through limbs already
raided by Mockingbirds.
Feel the tremors left
if you look into the sunset you see wavy
that is the shock waves spreading out
diffusing the flames
the heat of the day
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