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  May 2016 Nite
Take my hand
We'll walk through the maze together
I may not love you the way you want
But I will always be your anchor
For the moments of gaiety and fun
And all the times you feel unsure

Take my hand
It won't be long till dark clouds gather
And though this route is often shunned
I will be your most steadfast shelter
So let the storm howl and the winds cant
Our future only holds fair weather

Take my hand
Our journey only grows farther
Despite the obstacles that sought to daunt
We've emerged the stronger
As true and honest souls are wont
Against open smiles and hidden dagger

*Take my hand
Open your eyes and look closer
I will never show you a false front
So come back before you fall deeper
Break rank from that merry jaunt
And I promise you a cause that's worthier
Nite May 2016
That curvy, **** body
Can't keep my hands off you

That smoldering, maroon rouge
Keeps my eyes riveted on you

That ample, splayed mouth of yours
Allows me to swallow out that life giving liquid

That immense, cavernous cavity
That keeps in whatever I fill you up with

I may be rough with you
But I'll always love you

**My Kleen Kanteen
Recently got a bottle from them that came highly recommended and I love it!
  May 2016 Nite
The hours disappear instantly like blown out
flames off weary candles.
But time is no match for such raging hearts.

We would still hold up the receding
indigo ceiling above us.
We would prop up the sullen moon to stave
off the dawning day.
We will clutch the dwindling stars
and hug them close to our chests.

Because we know the words too well.
Words we simply couldn't cage except to say that...

We are not yet ready to leave
but we look forward to
diving headlong into
the inevitable restart.

Just so the day could grant us a
slate brand new.
Just so that come night,
we could begin all over again.
Nite May 2016
Is it
Those dreamy eyes of yours that I can't stop staring into
Those orbs that led me to your soul in heaven
Those receptacles that can elicit a myriad of emotions with a look


Could it be
Those sumptuous lips of yours that I can't stop kissing
Those heavenly gates to your river of nectar that tastes ever so divine
Those sensuous portals to scathing remarks and honeyed words


Is it
Your beautiful, wonderful mind that I cannot stop delving into
Your attentiveness to every detail when I tell you things about me and my life
Your appetency for knowledge of the universe and every single thing about me


Could it be*
The way your body merges with mine so perfectly like puzzle pieces
The way we understand each other so intimately like Siamese twins
The way you smile when you look at me, full of love and hope

I don't know what it is but I do know this

I love you baby
  May 2016 Nite
DaSH the Hopeful
As talent drained from every inch of my mind
I found reading other's work only made me jealous
                   I started to feel unpopular
          Not enough ideas left to create anything at all. Not a single drop of inspiration.

      As all of theses emotions and realizations mixed together

I became okay with copying your work.

       I can imagine you slaving in the dark
Racking your brain to find the perfect words to finish the last line

       Lucky for me I have it all right here, completed and ready to post
     Finished and polished and prepackaged with a message I didn't think of but everyone will commend me for.

    *I hope you enjoy it.
Not actually plagiarized. Just tired of seeing others plagiarize on here.
  May 2016 Nite
We'd thought the war was over
The major battle and
All the petty skirmishes
We'd seen the dead and wounded
The hollow eyes of our peoples
The gauntness of those who remained
What good was land won
If there were none left to play in it?

New agreements were forged
Treaties signed and hands clasped
Our homes were being built again
Each brick laid with hope
Each structure erected faithfully
Laughter sounded in the fields
None were hungry or left in the cold
It was peace, hard won, well deserved.

And yet in our midst you'd waited
Lain quietly in your sheep's wool
Quietly sharpening your weapons
And dripping your poison in the right ears
In the light of day you hid in plain sight
Biding your time and counting the days
Waiting for the greater victory
Of toppling a flourishing city.

I hope your knives are sharp
For when they're turned on you
I hope your aim is true
For we won't miss our shot
I hope your words seemed sweet
So your defeat is all the more bitter
I hope you remember this last breath
Because we have been pushed past mercy.
Nite May 2016
Blank pages,

Hand in hand,
New chapters we'll write...

Together we can make it
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