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  May 2016 Nite

         •we sleep
                 we manage               tight•
           somehow      to wake            late at
       •and...                  cradled             night•
      the bed                    in the ci-          we toss
   ngle off                      cle of ea-           and tu-
   ms da-                     ch oth-             rn•roll
our ar-                  er's a-             away
sheets•            rms•           and re-
with the                   turn...•
our legs tangle

Words by me.
Arrangement by the madly gifted ryn; more of his talent at writing and concrete poetry showcased at
Thank you ryn(:
  May 2016 Nite
There isn't a place for us
to exist in the day.
The magnanimous sun reveals too much
for common eyes to see.

But come night,
dimmed lamps be our aide.

We sink into each other
with little reservation.
We overlap, intertwine
and merge.

Inadvertently blending
into darkened backdrops,
we get absorbed in our very own
  May 2016 Nite
What are you seeing as we walk past you?
A happy couple holding hands
Or the contrast in our skins' hue?
Or perhaps it is the difference
In our years that has thrown you
That you took another glance
And wrote us a scathing review
Without giving yourself the chance;
Taken off your prejudiced lens in order to
Look beyond our appearance
To see what we do

*We are just a man and a woman, as human as you. More fortunate than most to have found each other, so we're never saying adieu.
  Apr 2016 Nite
i'm wanting more of your attention
every glance and waking thought
every dream you've ever sought
the nightmare your mind's wrought
i want to be your obsession

i'm wanting more of your touch
every enthralling kiss and warm hug
every gentle nudge and rough tug
the feel of your bare skin that's like a drug
i want to be the one that's too much

i'm wanting more of you
all your memories past and yet to form
all your youth and wrinkles yet to fold
all your goings on and time yet to fill
all your wants and hungers yet to feed
all your dreams and wishes yet fulfilled
i want to be all your due

*you've got me greedy for you
Nite Apr 2016
With a gentle flap of his wings
He settles on a branch
Unseen by mortal eyes
The immortal retrieves an arrow from his quiver

He looks down his bow
Looking for someone, anyone
That might need a shot to the heart
To give them courage to confess the feelings this cherubic angel is known for

As he scans the horizon
He spies them sitting side by side
Oblivious to their surroundings
They only have eyes for each other

The Roman God of Love
Puts his arrow to his bow
He draws his arm back and prepares to shoot
He strains his ears to listen for a perfect moment to strike

And with a widening of the eyes
And a sharp intake of breath
He lowers his weapon
And with a smile and a voice not meant for earthly ears, he says
"I am the Son of Venus. I am the god of love and I am not needed here. True love has triumphed once again."

With a mighty beat of his wings
He shoots into the sky
Leaving the lovers whose hearts the husband of Psyche heard, beating in time with each other
Hearts filled with the flames of love that needed no help from Cupid
To all the lovers out there who have found the person that their heart beats for and having their love reciprocated by that person.

Also to everyone who has yet to find their one. Don't despair.

I love you
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