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 Apr 2016 Sin
Little Bear
I had to write it
right then
nothing would stop the flow
out of my mouth
whirlpools of imagination
my vision drenched with words
running over and over the brim
it was pouring out
spilling onto the floor
puddles at my feet
find me a pen
I need a pen
write it write it out
on the back of napkins
scraps of paper
write it while the river flows
while the deluge pours
while the words still make scense
find me a pen
I need to write
I will never remember it the same way
the same way it saturates my clothes
my skin
panic and euphoria
fear and excitement
write it out
write it out
find me a pen
before it's too late
before it's gone
Despite having more reading books in my bag
than any person in their right mind should,
I have learned never to be without
a note book and a pen.
 Apr 2016 Sin
 Apr 2016 Sin
What are you hiding
Behind that mask?
What lurks behind your love-struck eyes,
What threatens to smash through you gentle facade?
What terrible beast is waiting to be unleashed?
Let it devour me, for I must feel every part of you.
 Apr 2016 Sin
 Apr 2016 Sin
Hold me, shield me
I am scared of the
Darkness that is creeping close;
Every night it moves closer.
 Apr 2016 Sin
Light out
 Apr 2016 Sin
The moon wades the sea
and lifts his curved blade

to cut loose the tide
tied to the shore

and it's high time I listen
for the secret word

that tells me to turn
out the light and go home.
 Apr 2016 Sin
Denel Kessler
Missing and regret
veil the morning
the sun's heat
won't break the chill
I seek sanctuary
in the kitchen
dogs at my feet  
vigilantly hoping
I'll drop something

I let them outside
to run and sniff
the frosty folds
for coyote and raccoon
while I take in the view
the Sound so sun-bright
it mists my eyes
blue Cascades beyond
dipped in new snow

I wish to be
that pristine
no footprints
marring my surface
all I ever was
but will never
be again
frozen, buried
gone beneath.
 Apr 2016 Sin
E Townsend
It doesn't have to be dark for you to disappear.
 Apr 2016 Sin
Little Bear
They say you should write about what you know.
And I have... mostly.
I don't want to write about love..
because i'm not in it.
And I don't want to write about hate..
that hurts my heart and feels wrong for me.
And I don't want to write about marriage because,
quite frankly, I am so done with that subject.
And religion? honestly..?
I kid you not..
you would not believe who I was
for the last 25 years.
I won't write about politics because in truth..
it confuses me..
I have a simple mind that only wishes
every one would just get a long.

I could write of peace..

Oh! Oh! I know...
I could write about all the *** i'm
not... having....
yeah I thought not.

And so,
I am all out of things to write about.
My cup is well and truly empty right now...

and needs filling with some coffee.

I think I need to go on an adventure...
 Apr 2016 Sin
Little Bear
 Apr 2016 Sin
Little Bear
There's an orchestra in my garden
playing symphonies of delight
singing a fantasia as I wake up
with lullabies to sleep at night.
How can creatures so small
make so much sound?.
And their beaks are so tiny!!!
Noisy little birds.
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