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 May 2017 Monotone
Charlie Dragon
Daddy told me I'm special, I'm his perfect little girl.
Daddy leaves bruises on my body
Daddy doesn't hit me he says
"it was only a smack"
Daddy told me that i am slow
If I carry on this way i will never get a job
He moves me to another school
I don't care, at least here they wont make fun of my mum,
I cant keep up with my school work
the class moves to fast
my father hits, punches and slaps
my father breaks my pencil
i tell my friend that he snapped my pencil
Daddy overhears he says
"don't tell people what happens at home or daddy will go to jail"
I didn't think that what he was doing was wrong
I thought that everyone got this too
I'm in a school and having lots of fun
Daddy says  to make no friends
that i shouldn't trust anyone
he doesn't hit anymore
he threatens me at home
I have few friends that know nothing about my home
My parents are no longer together
and i feel completely alone
I have no trust
no family
nothing at all
Daddy tells me i can tell him everything
I tell him how i feel
He hits my wall, i see his eyes turn red
Daddy says
"If you were my son i would his the crap out of you"
because he thinks that its ok
to his a boy but not a girl
and that is not ok.

i want to die
i cant go on

I look him in the
eye this is not my Daddy
this is a man, who i have never known

He thinks im going to **** myself
so he leaves me with with one thing
The man says
"If you **** yourself, i Will **** myself"
to try to make me feel guilty

it only makes me think that
If my death will result in his
then the world is better off without me
Long poem but people need to know that their parents are not always the best thing for   them
 May 2017 Monotone
Spooky Babe
If you ever wanna **** yourself
I thought that you should know
I don't care if you have declining health
I would never ******* let you go

If you ever wanna commit suicide
Just know you would be killing me too
It'd leave me so ****** up on the inside  
I swear to god I don't know what I'd do

If you ever wanna pull the plug
Think back to all of our memories
And how I'd probably start abusing drugs
Trying to free myself from the misery

So if you really wanna die
Remember that I love you
If that won't keep you alive
I guess I should off myself too

Just as Juliet did for Romeo
So they could be finally be together
No longer would I feel the pain of woe
Because i'd be with you forever
I love you X forever and always
May 17, 2017 1:32am
 May 2017 Monotone
 May 2017 Monotone
for Candle Dinner
She refused and
said, " I can't see
something die
in front of
Beautiful relationship.."
 May 2017 Monotone
I wish I had amnesia
Retrograde at least
I know it's strong,
But it won't be long
Till I'm falling to my knees.
The ghost of you surrounds me,
And in darkness I’m engulfed.
You mean so much more to me
Than the moon to a wolf.
 May 2017 Monotone
I don't know how to say I'm sorry
So would you accept my beating heart instead?
I know it's not worth much right now,
But it soon will be in the end
If I could hold you one more time it's all I'd ever need
To get me through until my heart stops beating
Maybe tomorrow, maybe today,
I need to clear my agenda anyway.
 May 2017 Monotone
Congratulations to the angel that broke my heart,
He knew what he was doing but regardless carried on.
Merciless, overrated,
Love is just a knife, serrated
Ripping and tearing until there's nothing left,
Flesh and bone and soul and heart,
We used to joke and laugh and even bet
About who loved who more
And now we're just friends.
 May 2017 Monotone
Great satellite, up in the sky,
We see you watching over us.
Imploring our evil natures
And luring demons out of our empty souls.
Ask not for possessions and triumph soon follows.
Wonder only if this 'protection' is worth the oppression.
Rise against the satellite at will,
If you dare be seen by all who wander in the dark
But work 'under the sun.'
And when the sky burns red,
Product of flare and bomb,
Of homes against homes,
Remember that 'protection' was promised,
And oppression was not a price;
Never forget that your 'freedom' wasn't really free.
it came with a hidden fee:
Your life.
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