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  Jan 8 Misstic
I saw you in the distance
I know you saw me too
I turned my head and walked away
I think I'm turning blue
Traveler 🧳 Tim
You always beat me
At every game we played
So when I broke your heart
It was only natural that
You'd shatter mine
  Jan 6 Misstic
Love unspoken
Tends to waver
A few warm moments
A few special favors
Even as the good friend
Or the teacher's pet
Acceptance may be
All you get
So when and if
I decide to show it
Unspoken or not
   Now you know it...
Traveler Tim

It just kind of falls out the bottom..
Misstic Jan 5
i was love
in his midnight
storm in his

- an enigma
Misstic Jan 1
Yet another
to reach
year to breach

- yourself
Misstic Dec 2024
was i too ignorant to the world
known to me....
a sudden thought of realisation
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