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Miguel Nino R Jan 2018
If you ever live in this Hell,
Remember how fragile freedom really is
Remember how hopes can make you hurt

If you ever live in this Hell,
You'll see misery in every corner
as well as people running to get to the nearest border

If you ever live in this Hell,
Your  frequent words will be dollars, food, emptiness
Your frequent thought will be "when all of this will see an end?"

If you ever live in this Hell,
Remember that no one will never be safe
So you better start running away

If you ever live in this Hell,
You'll be a ghost in the middle of empty streets
You'll be another cow under the suffocating sun

If you ever live in this Hell,
The struggle of surviving will be skin deep
All you wish is you're living a bad dream while you sleep

If you ever live in a Hell,
You'll see how fragile freedom actually is
and that's when you'll appreciate any piece of it
A poem I wrote about how hard is the situation  in my country, Venezuela, is really frustrating what people is actually living there, from a lot of people searching in the garbage to get  some food to people get shot because they don't  have nothing of value.  It's devastating what you see and live on its streets.
482 · Jul 2018
When You Just Feel It
Miguel Nino R Jul 2018
When we walk down the street
We don’t fight, we don’t scream
He just smiles right at me
Making me know where my home really is

When she still holds my hand
I don´t feel alone anymore
I can feel an unbreakable connection instead
That goes straight to the bottom of my heart

When those feelings come back at me
It feels like a day of summer
In the most rawest winter
It feels like thousand of flowers
Bloom over dead dried leaves

When he makes me smile
For a tiny moment I forget
We’re living the bitterest times
And I don’t care if this isn’t growing up
But this is how I want to feel my whole life

When she waved at me
Saying goodbye trough the window of the bus
I feel I’m facing the worst lost
Because my world is fading
Into a place of pure darkness and dust

And when I see the truth in their eyes
The grey color doesn’t longer exist
Because they add it glitter
Turning into the shiniest silver

But most of all
When I there in one of those places
I learned something I refused to believe
When you are loved, loved for real
They don’t lie when they said it’s the best cure
Because I finally knew how much it makes me heal
433 · Jan 2018
Did You know...?
Miguel Nino R Jan 2018
Did you know you broke my heart?
Without even say a single word
But just the way we fell apart
It felt like they **** you with a sword

I believed I was by your side
When you told me your dream so shameless
Even if we’re as different as day and night
I wanted to insist this would be endless

I agree all the blame is mine
For not having realized I was wrong
All was so clear but I was blind
Thinking in the things we could’ve done

Did you know you broke my heart?
And I blamed you all this time
Well, here comes the saddest part
I still can’t get you out of my mind
416 · Jan 2018
Ghosts Are Real
Miguel Nino R Jan 2018
I believe ghosts are real
Cause I saw them more than twice
My fears are their meal
Their look freezes me like ice

They follow me any place I go
Cause I haven't paid my due
And reminding me I did it wrong
Well I am still sorry too

I do believe ghosts exist
My mistakes keep them alive
They go and come as mist
Will they stop tormenting my life?

They're even smarter than me
When I face them, they laugh
Will They ever let me be free?
Will I ever stop being their toy
Will I ever stop being their calf

But they made felt I was the worst
When I was in this unbroken curse
And I even believed I was the ghost
But at some point this was gonna burst

And I paid the good **** price
Of seeing them like thousand times
Never thought hell can be made by ice
When you see me directly into my eyes

But thanks to them I’ve learned
When you let go your fears and regrets
The alarms will stop being in burning red
These ghosts will finally leave your head
And they will never return from death

Cause once your fears and regrets
You get them out of your head
Is when you will finally know
The ghosts are finally gone,
The ghosts will be finally dead
This a poem about how anxiety and fear or any bad feeling can haunt you for the rest of your live, unless you get them out of your head that's when you know they'll be finally dead.
391 · Jan 2018
In That Place
Miguel Nino R Jan 2018
Have you ever felt lonely on nights
while your friends are having a good time
but you're trying to ignore all the noise around
because it bothers you,
you aren't with them at downtown
I know it hurts
Because I have been in that place
Haven't you?
Have you ever been in this situation?
All of them holding someone else's hand
while both of yours are cold deep in your pockets
it's an awkward situation you can't stand
but you only want to walk away soon
Because you can´t stand to be in that room
I know it *****,
I have been in that place too
Haven´t you?
Have you ever felt envy of this?
All of them showing off their dates
pretending their living such a romance
while you're alone with a frozen dinner plate
Thinking: "will it change my lonely fate?"
Yes, it's awful
I have been in that place so many times
and I am still in that place
Aren't you?
Haven't you been in that place?
381 · Jan 2018
Wasted Night
Miguel Nino R Jan 2018
My heart can feel the rush
In my skin you can see the blush
Sitting here I can feel the invisibility
Want to let go my fears and ghosts
But here I'm a fool covered of dust
Trying to ignore the sounds around
In my mind I want to leave this place
In my heart I want to show my face
But instead I'm hiding in the shadows
The night is lonely and cold
And I'm still asking to be bold
Lord all I need is a little push
I'm here going straight to the ruin
Remember how it was at the beginning
When no one knew my name
Maybe this is the sign I've been asking for
Maybe I should stop keeping waiting more
The fear is taking over me quickly
I should stand up and be a man
And take control of my shaking hands
Can't you see I'm here with chains?
The bravery was all in vain
It bothers me the cold in the air
Who am I lying to? It's my all fear instead.
Another opportunity I let passed by
Another regret stocked in my mind
But trust me I learned the lesson
I'll never get the chance to fit in
Trust me I won't longer to be seen
I stopped believing in hopes
Another wasted night
370 · Jan 2018
Miguel Nino R Jan 2018
Cause I am scared
What life has me prepared
Cause I am scared
That my future is unfair
Cause I am scared
I don't reach the highest stair

I know I am just a twenty one guy
with big insecurities and a short high
who's afraid they don´t say his name with pride

— The End —